What is your favorite combination of colors?
What is something you appreciate about Genevieve?
What is the strangest thing in your refrigerator?
If you are able to right now, open tiktok and share the video or what the vibe (side of tiktok) it is
What is your most used emoji?
What is a saying or phrase that you use all the time?
I wish I knew ______________
What's a thought, idea and/or memory that almost instantly relaxes you?
I love it when _______________.
What is something you appreciate about Jamie?
What is something you are afraid of?
Would you rather never be able to explain yourself correctly or always have to tell the exact truth?
What is something you appreciate about Ollie?
What's something you are trying to be better at?
If you had to have a job but didn't need the money, what would you do?
Do you like or dislike birthdays? If comfortable, share a memorable birthday / birthday gift
What is worth taking the time to understand on a deeper level?
What is something you fear the most?
The group (and other random people) are on a deserted island and you have to come up with a new society. What's the first rule you put in place? Discuss with the group and decide.
If humans started to colonize Mars, would you volunteer to move there? Why or why not?
What is something you could do to take better care of yourself?
If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Which would be the nicest? Discuss with the group
What is something you've gotten out of therapy? Like any little gems you've taken from a session, general experience, etc?
What is your favorite meal that a loved one makes?
What has been your favorite age so far? Why?