Circles of Relationships
Types Boundaries

What are personal boundaries?

Boundaries are rules that people create to keep themselves safe. 

They protect us and include all of the safe ways that people can behave around us. 

They also tell us what we can and cannot do to other people. 


Name 2 of the circles of relationships

Possible Answer

Friends, Family, Acquaintances, Inmate Relationships, Strangers, Helpers


This boundary refers to personal space and physical touch. It includes awareness of what is appropriate, and what is not, in various settings and types of relationships. This boundary is violated when someone touches you when you don't want them to or when they invade your personal space.

Physical boundaries


Before becoming involved in a situation, know what's acceptable to you, and what isn't.

Is this a). knowing your limits b). being assertive or c). listening to your emotions 

a - knowing your limits 


What are physical boundaries?

They include our personal space, privacy, and body.

It also refers to how comfortable we are with people being close to us and rules about who can come into our personal bubble. 


Who belongs in the blue zone? 

Trusted family members and close friends. 

Whoever belongs in your blue zone will be different from other people! 


This type of boundary refers to how a person uses their time. It includes setting aside enough time for each facet of their life such as work, relationships, and hobbies. This boundary is violated when another person demands too much of another's time.

Time boundary


Why are boundaries created?

Boundaries are created to set limits on what you will and won't accept.  



Everybody has the same rules about who can enter their personal bubble. 


Everybody has their own personal boundaries that we must respect. 



Your best friend is somebody who you are comfortable with having close to you. Since she is in your friend,  you can always hug  her. 


Just because you're comfortable around her and like hugs, doesn't mean that your friend is on the same page! She may also feel comfortable with you, but not like being hugged. Always ask if you can touch someone 


This type of boundary refers to money and possessions. It involves setting limits on what you will share, and with whom. This boundary is violated when someone steals or damages another person's possessions, or when they pressure them to give or lend them their possessions.

Material boundaries 


Define personal space.

The amount of empty space a person needs that is away from someone else.



Emotional boundaries allow us to take responsibility over our own feelings and separate our emotions from somebody else's.


Emotional boundaries are important because they help us be our own person. We do not always need to think or feel the same things as our friends.


Who which of the following should you do with Acquittances? 

a.) Wave and say "hi"

b.) Hug and hold hands

c.) Talk about your personal issues 

d.) Give your phone number and address

a.) Wave and say "hi" 

Boundaries keep us safe. The things we do with others should only be done when you know that you can trust them and if they are okay with it. 

BONUS: should we trust somebody with our secrets or allow them into our personal space just because somebody else says it's okay to?


This type of boundary refers to the emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality. It includes mutual understanding and respect of limitations and desires between sexual partners. This type of boundary is violated with unwanted sexual touch, pressure to engage in sexual acts, or sexual comments.

Sexual boundaries 


What circle of relationship is your Benchmark Therapist in?

Lets Discuss 



Francine and Shelly are best friends. Francine occasionally hugs Shelly to show that she cares. At times, Shelly doesn't mind because they're best friends. 

However, she starts to feel uncomfortable because it keeps happening and it happens when she doesn't feel like being hugged. 

Shelly doesn't know what to do and thinks she'll hurt their friendship by telling Francine she doesn't want to be hugged all the time. 

Should she feel guilty or scared to tell Francine? What can she say?

No! Everybody has different levels of comfortability. 

She can say: 

"No, I don't want to be hugged right now."

"I don't like that you're in my space right now. Could you take a step back?"

"I'm not somebody that usually likes being hugged all the time. It's nothing personal."


Who can help you if somebody is crossing your boundaries?

You can ask for help from a trusted adult. 

Sometimes, we need help with setting boundaries. We may need help with setting boundaries with certain people or in certain situations.


This type of boundary refers to a person's feelings. It includes limitation on when to share, and when not to share, personal information. This type of boundary is violated when someone criticizes, belittles, or invalidates another person's feelings.

This type of boundary refers to thoughts and ideas. It includes respect for others' ideas, and an awareness of appropriate discussion. These boundaries are violated when someone dismisses or belittles another person's thoughts or ideas.

Emotional boundaries

Intellectual boundaries 


Why are boundaries important?

•Boundaries provide a sense of comfort 

•Boundaries provide a sense of security 

•Boundaries mark out the “playing field” for freedom (teaches them what is in bounds, and what's out of bounds)

•Boundaries help kids to gain adults’ trust