fire truck, tomato, stop sign...
SOMETHING RED (strawberry, blood)
Give somebody a compliment.
"I love your hair today" or "Great job on the math test."
I can’t believe the baseball player catched the ball.
catched → caught
What would you do if your smoke alarm kept making a high pitched beeping noise?
Check and replace the batteries
What prickly plant grows in the desert?
peanut, cashew, walnut...
A TYPE OF NUT (almond, macadamia nut)
Share with the group something you did over the weekend.
I went hiking and ate at Chipotle afterward.
Before Monika can watch TV, she has to have her homework did.
did → done
What would you do if you saw a rat in your kitchen?
Set a trap or call an exterminator
What are the four directions on a compass?
north, south, east, west
silk, cotton, velvet...
TYPE OF MATERIAL (denim, flannel)
Ask somebody a question on the topic of: SUMMER BREAK
Do you have any fun plans for summer break?
Last year was the first time I flown in an airplane.
flown → flew
What would you do if you accidently burned yourself while cooking?
Use an ice pack & bandaid from my first aid kit or go to the hopsital if needed
What are the five senses?
sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch
bike, horse, surfboard...
Ask somebody a question on the topic of: TV SHOWS
Have you watched any good TV shows lately?
The tomato plant grown so much in April.
grown → grew
What would you do if you lost your dog?
Call the local animal rescue or shelter number
What vegetable makes your eyes water?
chili, hot peppers, tacos...
FOOD THAT IS SPICY (curry or sriracha)
Ask somebody a question on the topic of: FOOD
What is your favorite restaurant?
I hope I don't has PE next year.
has → have
What would you do if the McDonald's worker gave you the wrong order?
NICELY show them the receipt or ask to speak to a supervisor
What mountain has four presidents' faces carved onto it?
Mount Rushmore