Your hands should be where when getting up from a chair and sitting down?
from the surface you are at/arm rest
True or false: your feet should be outside of the walker
This device has only two wheels but four points of support
Rolling walker
What makes it easier to get out of bed? (two things)
raising head of bed; bed rails
What 3 Therapy disciplines are present and assist you on a daily basis?
physical, occupation, speech
"____ over ____" helps you get your weight forward and therefore easier to get out of your chair
Nose over toes
"Slipper walking" looks like what? (verbal or physical demonstration)
shuffled steps/no clearance
This device has four wheels and seat
How can you relieve back pain if stuck on your back for prolonged periods of time?
roll side to side with bed rails
During treatment your session is geared towards achieving what?
Before your aide leaves your room, it is important to have your device where to avoid injury when transferring independently?
Close to your bedside
This part of your foot should hit the ground before anything else
This device offers minimal support and should be used for light stability only
single point cane
You never want to pull up from your therapist/aide/nurse when getting out of bed, it is best to do what?
Push; pulling up poses an increased risk for injury vs pushing up from your bed
What is the most important way to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Staying active
What should you check prior to standing up from your wheelchair?
When walking it is best to have your ____ next to your ____ when using a walker
Hips to hands
With good strength, endurance, and balance some people can walk with __ ____
no device
Sitting up from lying flat on your back is a what? (exercise)
Exercises release what feel good hormones?
If you ever feel unsafe, dizzy, or scared always remember ____ DONT ____!!
Call dont Fall
When walking do you spend more time on one leg or two?
one; 80% of your time walking is spent on one leg
This device has four points of support but can only be used on one side of the body
Hemi walker
If you're eating or drinking it is important that your head of bed is raised to what degree?
30 degrees
Drinking this replenishes your joints, delivers oxygen through your body, regulates temperature and blood pressure, boosts performance during exercise.