Name That Emotion
Body Language
With Those Around Me
Handling Conflict
Let's Be Random

If your friend high-fives you when you walk into class, you might feel ___________.



What message might you be sending if you sit up straight and look someone in the eye while they're telling you a story?

You are paying attention or listening


Give an example of this friend behavior: greeting someone 

Hello, hi, hey, what's up, how are you


Name a good way AND a bad way to handle this situation: You bump into someone while walking in the hallway.

Good: saying "excuse me," apologizing

Bad: saying "hey, watch it," "get out of my way" "move it, idiot"

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

SpongeBob Square Pants.


If your friend invites you to their birthday party at the trampoline park, you might feel _________.



What message might you be sending if your arms are crossed and you're tapping your foot while talking to someone?

You are irritated, defensive, annoyed, angry, or impatient


Give an example of this friend behavior: politely asking someone to stop a behavior that is annoying you

Hey, can you please stop that? It's getting on my nerves. Thanks! 

That's unexpected please stop.


Name a good way AND a bad way to handle this situation: Someone cuts in front of you in the lunch line.

Good: "hey, I think you just cut me in line - can I have my space back please?" - letting it go if you aren't in a hurry - asking an adult for help if you feel yourself becoming angry and out of control

Bad: "hey, that's my spot" and shoving the person back - getting involved in a loud argument


Who Am I?

 I am a little orange and white fish that's far from home 



If you can't go to your friend's birthday party because you caught the flu, you might feel _____________.

Disappointed, Sad, or Mad


What message might you be sending if you are standing close to another person, frowning, and pointing at them?

You are angry or mad


Give an example of this friend behavior: helping a friend

Hey, can I help you put that together? It looks like you might be confused. Here, let me help you with that.


Name a good way AND a bad way to handle this situation: You're playing with your friend and he's not doing what you want him to be doing.

Good: ask yourself, "do I need to be in charge right now, or is it okay that he is doing what he wants?" - asking him politely to do something else and explaining why you think so

Bad: getting bossy, yelling at him, pushing/hitting/kicking


What Am I?

I come in many shapes and patterns, fall from the sky when cold, and  are used to make _____people.


If your sibling or parent comes into your room uninvited and won't leave when you ask, you might feel __________.

Angry or Annoyed


What message might you be sending if you are sitting against a wall with your arms crossed over your knees and your head is down?

You're sad, upset, or lonely


Give an example of this friend behavior: asking to join in

Hey, can I play with you? That game looks fun. Thanks! Hey, what are you guys playing? Can I please join you?


Name a good way AND a bad way to handle this situation: Your parent yells at you for something you didn't do.

Good: wait for your mom to stop speaking before explaining what happened - accepting a consequence if you were also involved

Bad: yelling back, throwing a tantrum


What is black when clean and white when dirty?



You walk into class and hear your teacher announce a surprise spelling test that you haven't studied for. You might feel __________.

Worried/scared/anxious, disappointed, or mad


What message might you be sending if you are doing something else, avoiding eye contact, and not responding while someone is talking to you?

You are ignoring them or upset with them


Give an example of this friend behavior: using an "I feel" statement

I feel _________ when you ___________. It makes me feel ___________ when you __________.


Name a good way AND a bad way to handle this situation: Your friend accidentally breaks something of yours

Good: feeling disappointed but keeping emotions under control, asking an adult to help you fix it, asking your friend to please be more careful in the future

Bad: yelling at your friend, throwing the broken toy, demanding that your parents buy a new one


How many noses do slugs have?