When do most children start using words?
most children use at least 5 words by 1 year old and by 2 years old they are using between 50-300 words to communicate their needs
6-12 months
By what age should a child be able to copy prewriting shapes?
Around age 5 ½ kids are able to copy a vertical line, a horizontal line, a circle, a cross, a square, diagonal lines, X, and triangle.
Locomotor Skill
skipping forward and backward
Articulation and Phonology
1. Bobby's fwiend Wick stowe all Wucy's fabite bawentimes tweats.
2. Wuby wooked at all the wovewy decowations and munched on a snickos.
3. Tanley tuck out his tongue to sow his fiends the color that it turned after eating weattats.
When should children be using word endings such as plural s and past tense -ed?
They should be using plural -s by 3 years old and past tense by 4 years old.
What age does a child start walking independently?
12-18 months
What age are kids cutting on a straight line?
Around 3 ½ to 4 years old, they are cutting on a ¼” thick line 6 inches in length staying within ¼” of the line if veering.
Bilateral Coordination Skill
Jumping Jacks
Expressive Language
1. Name 5 types of candy.
2. Valentine day, Halloween, St. Patrick's day, and Thanksgiving are all types of.....
3. Use the word affectionate in a sentence.
Is it too early to work on speech sounds if my child is 2 or 3?
No it's never too early to work on producing the correct sounds, if children's speech isn't corrected or modeled correctly they will begin to store words incorrectly. For example, if the child says 'top' for stop, he or she will begin storing top to mean stop in the brain.
What age does a child start hopping on his/her preferred leg?
around 3.5 to 4 years old
When holding a writing utensil, what age are they using a dynamic grasp?
Between ages 4-6
Crossing Midline for Gross Motor
Crossing Midline Fine Motor
Switch foot cross crawls
small ball diagonal rolls to matching words on table
Receptive Language
What is something that people give on Valentines Day?
Follow direction: point to someone you love, stand up, and make a heart with your hands
Why do you think people celebrate valentines day?
What sounds are mastered by the time students get to Kindergarten?
all speech sounds but r and th should be mastered by 5 years old
When should a child be able to throw and catch an object, with a normal pattern?
5 years old
What age is a pincer grasp (index and thumb) used to pick up small items?
10-12 months
Visual Motor
dot to dot, hidden picture, maze
1. pretend to have bumpy speech- The bbbbbig amazon box was ssssquished, on the side of the rrrroad.
2. take a deep breath and begin to speak on the exhale- The big amazon box was squished on the side of the road.
3. elongate your sounds and slow your rate- The big amazon box was squished on the side of the road.
If my student has speech errors or language difficulties should they be on an IEP?
The areas of difficulty have to show a negative impact on the student's education before being formally assessed. Generally intervention from the teacher and Speech Therapist is needed before the student is formally assessed.
When should a child be able to jump in place?
around 2 years old
What age do you see a hand dominance?
by age 6
Fine Motor
tongs, pennies in a bank, or play doh letters
What is something nice you can say on Valentines Day?
What can you say when someone gives you a Valentine?
How would you feel if you didn't get a Valentine?