Texts/literary terms
a text where the following quote is taken from: "Don't walk behind me"
What is "Just like that"
a text that deals with a divorce situation, where the child becomes a vicTIM ;-)
What is "The Ants"?
A text that is written as a modern Fairytale
What is "The Shining Mountain"
a word that means the development you are going through when going up (happens gradually). It is said that girls do this faster than boys ;-)
What is Maturing?
A character who is very pessimistic and prefers to live alone
Who is the grandfather in the Ants / who is Arthur
A text where the following quote is taken from: "my shoes are too big, and I cannot fill them"
What is "The Shining mountain"?
A text/film where one of the main themes are: standing up against your parents, tradition and conformity and following your heart (free spirit)
What is Dead Poets Society?
A literary term for " starts in the middle of the action"
What is "In Medias Res"?
A word that describes something parents/ often have regarding their children. One can also have it to oneself - and some times one cannot live up to those...
What are expectations?
a rolemodel who encourages others to "seize the day" and believes in the free spirit of man
Who is Mr. Keating (in Dead Poets Society)?
where the following quote is taken from: "I've made a great deal of sacrifices for you - and you will not let me down"
What is Dead Poets Society? (Neil's father)
A text where the maincharacter is aware of her own sexuality and feels uneasy around grown-up men
What is "Clara's day"?
A specific tecnique used by minimalist writers, such as Hemingway, whre the reader only gets limited information and has to figure out the rest for himself
What is "the iceberg technique"?
another word for change, used in particular about persons who change - for example during growing up experiences ;-) (begins with the letter t)
What is transition?
A neclegtant and egoistic parent who cares more about her own lovelife than being with her daughter
Who is Clara Tilling's Mother?
Where the following quote is taken from: "Go make your lives extraordinary"
What is Dead Poets Society?
a story about a boy who is pushed into killing animals, and who ends up feeling empty inside...
What is "Just like that"?
a writer who was inspired by the saying "show it, don't tell it"
Who was Ernest Hemingway?
a term that means a "ritual" or experience that you go through in order to change/develop into something else, such as "adulthood"
What is "rite of passage"
A character who suffers from inferiority complexes and lives out his dreams through his son
Who is the father in "Manhood" / Who is Mr. Willison?
Where the following quote is taken from: "don't be fooled by love or vocation, you keep to yourself and you won't have to desert anyone later"
What is "The Ants"?
about a father who realizes that he has exposed his child to an extreme situation and regrets it.
What is "Indian Camp"?
another word for the maincharacter in a story
What is Protagonist?
a word that means the beginning of a process: for instance the beginning of adulthood (starts with the letter: i)
What is initiation
A character who tries to act like an adult, but who is clearly a child. This character also hides his true emotions while trying to appear brave/grown up.
Who is Nick Adams (in Indian Camp)?