What ages are Toddlers and Preschoolers respectively?
Toddlers are 1-2 years old, Preschoolers are 3-5 years old
*What are the developmental differences?*
why do children not want to go to sleep?
May miss out on something fun or important, Not tired, Afraid of dark, Lonely – want companionship, Assert own independence
What is a fear of strangers called?
Stranger Anxiety
Why is fat needed in young children's diets?
Fat is needed for brain development
How big should a toddlers portion size be in comparison to an adult's?
1/4 to 1/2 the size
How does body proportion and posture change by age 3?
Between 2 and 3 Chest becomes larger
Arms, legs, and torso become longer
Stronger spines
why do children take naps?
to keep from getting overly tired, helps them sleep better at night
What is it called when a child gets very upset after being left alone by his or her caregivers?
Separation Anxiety
When should formula or breast milk be stopped and whole cow's milk introduced?
12-14 months. *Why wait until now?
When do naps start disappearing?
Around 3 years of age
How many teeth does a child have by age 1? Age 2? Age 3?
What affects their quality?
What can you do to help a child fall asleep?
1 hour of restful activities Back rub, Quiet talks, Bath, Story, Song, Review
Why can having a vivid imagination cause fear in a child?
Children don't know the difference between what is real and what is imaginary
How can pesticides effect children?
They can cause long term neurological damage, developmental and reproductive disorders
What can you do to ease a child's fears?
Acknowledge the fear, Do not discount the fear, Respond with confidence, Do not ask questions or give long explanations, Do not try to track down the fear
What should their dental care look like at its different stages?
take to dentist 6 months after first tooth
First, wipe off teeth with cloth or use finger brush
1st tooth brush Toddler-sized, Use twice a day
What is the difference between nightmares and night terrors?
During a night terror a child is not really awake
*What can you do to ease each?
What is the chief fear of preschool and elementary students? What can be a cause of it?
Loss of Love / Divorce
What should you avoid putting in a toddler's diet?