The physical changes middle-aged adults go through.
What is Weight Gain, and Vision, Hearing, Skin & Joint Pain?
A hobby a middle-aged adult might pick-up.
What are Photography, cooking, crafting, etc.?
True or false: Many people around this age choose to change careers.
What is true?
The ages Erikson defined to be “Middle-Aged Adults.”
What are ages 40-65?
The video addresses Middle Adults as the "_______ Generation."
What is the "Sandwich Generation?"
The mental changes middle-aged adults go through.
What are Verbal Abilities and Abstract Reasoning Skills?
A skill middle-aged adults may try to learn.
What are cooking, playing an instrument, taking a new class, etc.?
A physical change in middle-aged adults specific to women.
What is menopause?
The main duty middle aged adults are to accomplish.
What are to satisfy themselves and support the next generation?
The reason middle-aged adults are called the Sandwich Generation?
Why do they often have to take care of both their children and their parents?
The emotional changes middle-aged adults go through.
What are Sense of Mortality and Sense of Urgency, Focus on Relationships, and More capable of managing emotions?
An example of a big change middle age adults will do to their lives
What is New Profession, change partners, adopt a pet, etc.?
A physical change in middle-aged adults specific to men.
What are higher suicide rates?
What middle-aged adults feel when they fail in their crisis.
What are unproductive and uninvolved in the world?
The reason being a client in the hospital is a stressor for middle-aged adults.
Why do they feel it threatens their independence?
The social changes middle-aged adults go through.
What are Family, Relationships, and Career?
Two ways middle aged adults take up their leisure time.
What are Involvement in new activities, Volunteering in community activities, Learning a new skill, Pursuing hobbies.
Ways to prevent physical and mental changes in middle-aged adults.
What are Exercising and maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, Limiting alcohol intake and avoiding smoking?
The virtue Middle Aged Adults gain when they are successful through their crisis.
What is care?
The kind of changes nurses have to assess for middle-aged adults.
What are Developmental and hormonal?
The changes go on within middle-aged adults’ families.
What are Sending kids to college, becoming grandparents, caring for aging parents/spouses?
The reason adults try to find new things to do in their leisure time.
Why do they lack societal changes?
Components middle-aged adults are characterized by.
What are Sense of freedom, autonomy, self-reflection?
The crisis middle aged adults go through.
What is Generativity vs. Stagnation Parenting?
Encouraged for middle-aged adults, in regards to nursing.
What are to Perform disease-specific screenings and prevention measures?