How does Bubble Gum brain think?
Mistakes are OKAY! Keep trying and do not give up.
Change this brick brain sentence:
I can't do this.
I can't do this yet.
I CAN do this.
True or False:
Bubble Gum brains can flex, bend, and expand the way you think.
Name one helpful coping skills you can do at school.
Take a break, drink water, listen to music, deep breathing
How does Brick brain think?
It's too hard! I don't want to try, I quit.
Change this brick brain sentence.
This is too hard, I quit.
This is challenging but I will try my best.
Brick brains are great at learning from their mistakes. They do not quit or give up.
Name one unhelpful coping skill.
Yelling, kicking, hit, throwing things.
You have a math test and you are very nervous. You try your best anyways. Are you using Brick brain or Bubble Gum brain?
Bubble Gum brain
Change this brick brain sentence:
I just can't do this at all.
I just can't do this yet!
You can use the power of yet to change your brick brain.
Name one helpful coping skill you can do at home.
Play video games, watch movies, eat your favorite snack, talk to a family member.
You get an answer wrong in class. You leave your seat and yell "I can't do this!". Which kind of brain are you using?
Brick Brain
Change this brick brain sentence:
This is hopeless. Forget it.
If I keep practicing, I will get it.
Having Bubble Gum brain allows you to try new things and learn from your mistakes.
Take a break, deep breathing, use a fidget, talk to someone.
How can you change your Brick brain to a Bubble
Gum brain?
By taking off your wrapper and using the Power of Yet.
Change this brick brain sentence:
This was a mistake! I'm never trying this again.
I'm going to try again because I can learn from my mistakes.
It is okay to make great mistakes!
How do unhealthy coping skills affect us?
We can lose our privileges and they can hurt others.