What are the important reminders about a growth mindset from this quote... "If you show up, practice and put yourself out there, you can reach your goals!"
-Sarah Godfrey
You need to show up and continue to practice in order to reach you goals.
Name one area of the brain.
Frontal lobe, Hypothalamus, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, Cerebellum, Brainstem, Temporal lobe, Pituitary gland.
Instead of "I'm not good at this," I can say...
I will keep trying, what am I missing, I can ask for help and get more understanding, I will keep practicing to improve my skills.
How is gratitude related to a growth mindset?
When we are thankful for what we have, we are not in a place where we are comparing ourselves to others. In a study, researchers have found that people who are practicing daily gratitude, actually live longer!
What is something that is new this year because of the generosity of students and families?
The playground!
What do you think Tonya Alexander is warning us about when she said, "Be yourself and believe in your work. You do You. Everyone else is taken."
She is warning us about comparison to others.
What could happen if you injure your brain?
Different functions could be impacted depending on the area that is injured. For example, if you injure your brainstem, it could impact your ability to breath.
Instead of "This is too hard," I can say...
This may take some more time and effort.
How does fortitude relate to a growth mindset?
Fortitude - is strength of mind that enables us to bear pain or hardship with courage. Not giving up when things are difficult is an important aspect of success.
Name three things you would see in the social work office.
Comfy seating, big red cabinet full of games, a round table, posters, Ms. Baird and Ms. Davis, maps, and a mini fridge.
What do you think Abraham Lincoln meant when he said, "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure."
Everybody experiences failure at some point. Abraham Lincoln was concerned that some people are content or satisfied with their failure or defeats and don't keep trying.
True or false; you can grow your intelligence.
True! The more you challenge your mind and learn, the more neuron connections you make in your brain.
Instead of "I'm awesome at this, I don't need to try" I can say...
I'm on the right track! Can I help someone else understand? I will keep learning.
Talk about wisdom and how it relates to a growth mindset.
Learning to use good judgement and do what is reasonable is important to our brain and body health. When we think through a situation or problem instead of reacting harshly, we are making many connections in our brain!
Name the person who is usually at the front desk that can help us with everything! - Ice packs, phone calls, sickness, uniforms, you name it!
Ms. Warosh
What do you think this quote means? "Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed."
- Lloyd Jones
Trying something and failing gives you experience - you can come back at the problem or task with more information and try again with new understanding. If you never try, you are putting up a "block" or "detour" in your brain and may never understand the problem or get better at the task.
Why is getting enough sleep so important for your brain health?
Sleep improves your memory and helps your brain to solve problems.
Instead of, "I can't do math, it's not important in "real life" anyway." I can say...
I'm going to train my brain to do math, figuring out these problems helps my brain with other types of problems and builds many pathways in my brain!
How is temperance related to a growth mindset?
Practicing temperance helps us to avoid extremes. When we show self-control and self-regulation, we are growing important pathways in our brains.
What do Agamim staff want you to know about yourself so much that Ms. Morton tells you every day before you leave?
You are strong, loved, and powerful!
What do you think Confucius meant by "rising every time we fail"?
It could mean that every time we fail or fall short and get back up and try again, we "rise" up to a challenge and grow from doing so.
What types of activities boost learning and helps our brains to grow?
Listening to music or learning to play an instrument, getting proper nutrition, exercise, learning something new.
Instead of, "Plan A didn't work, I quit!" I can say...
I'll use some of the strategies I have learned and keep trying. It's a good thing the alphabet has 25 more letters!
Pick your favorite virtue and talk about how it helps you to have a growth mindset.
Wisdom, temperance, fortitude, gratitude, joyfulness, etc.
What are the 3 groups that share the building that we are in?
Agamim Classical Academy, Calvary Church, and Berry Patch Preschool.