The North
The South
Industrial Revolution
Cold winters, rocky soil, fast moving rivers, mountains.
What is the geography of the North?
Hot, humid summers, mild winters, fertile soil, flat land.
What is the geography of the South?
In the mid-1850s, these places were often overcrowded and lacking in available space.
What are cities?
Since Ellis Island (where immigrants come into America) is in New York, most immigrants settle here.
What are the Northern cities.
In the early 1800s, manufacturing changed from farming to this, because of the ability to produce goods more efficiently.
What is factory production OR industrialization.
Many immigrants, busy cities, anti-slavery.
What is the society of the North?
Plantations, slaves, wealthy landowners, life centers around agriculture.
What is the society of the South?
Inventor of the Cotton gin AND interchangeable parts.
Who is Eli Whitney?
People can be pulled and pushed from their homeland. If poverty is a push factor, religious freedom must be this.
What is a pull factor.
The two factors that bring people away from their homes and into a new country.
What are push and pull factors?
Under this system, young girls are working for wages for the first time. They gain independence even though the conditions may not be ideal.
What is the Lowell factory system?
This product made the South important in the global economy.
What is King Cotton?
This improved communication during the mid-1800s. *Hint: invented by Morse.
What is the telegraph?
This group of immigrants was despised for being Catholic.
Who are the Irish?
During the 1700s and 1800s, European migration to North America resulted in an increase in this group, who opposed immigration.
What are nativists? *People who wish to exclude all other groups
" My work in the mills is very hard indeed and sometimes I think I shall not be able to endure it. I never worked so hard in my life but perhaps I shall get used to it." -Mary Paul, Lowell, Massachusetts, Nov. 5th, 1848. Hint: A type of source since its an account by an actual mill worker.
What is a primary source?
Political party, founded in 1850s, and opposed to spread of slavery.
What is the Republican Party?
This invention increased agricultural production.
What is the cotton gin OR McCormick reaper OR steel plow.
This political party was formed to keep outsiders out of power.
What is the Know-Nothing Party.
In 1800, the largest populations were here, mostly because of the factory cities.
What is the North?
Why were more textile mills built in the North rather than the South?
The North had fast moving rivers to provide power needed to operate the mills.
What southern planters relied on to ship their goods, since the quality of roads in the south was so bad.
What are riverboats.
"The South had only 14% of the country's total canal mileage by 1850." Based on this statement, we can conclude that the Transportation Revolution had a wider impact here.
What is the North?
A "push" reason for why many Irish immigrants were coming to America in 1840-1860.
What was the potato famine?
In 1828, Congress increased $$ payed on imports. This was done to protect the new Northern industries from foreign competition. This hurt the Southern economy because it increased the price of foreign goods, which they purchased. The south called the tariff this.
What is The Tariff of Abominations.