This is what SATB means
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Spell a Major Chord starting on C
C, E, G
This is the official name for the Major Scale
Sing the Doxology with the "Amen" at the end!
Praise God!
This is the syllable that is immediately underneath DO and is sometimes called the "leading tone"
TI (7th scale degree)
This is what a cappella means
"without accompaniment"
Spell a minor chord starting on C
C, E-flat, G
This is the name for the natural minor scale
Sing the Gloria Patri!
World without end! Amen! Amen!
This is the syllable between RE and FA
MI (3rd scale degree)
What are the next three syllables in this sequence?
DO, RE, MI, RE, MI, FA, (?, ?, ?)
Spell a Major chord starting on A-flat
A-flat, C, E-flat
This is a Major scale with a raised 4th scale degree
Sing a verse of "Amazing Grace"!
Was blind, but now I see!
This is the Perfect Fifth of a scale starting on DO
SOL (5th scale degree)
This is the music term for a group of five musicians
Spell a minor chord starting on G
G, B-flat, D
This is a minor scale with a raised 6th scale degree
Sing a verse of "Joshua Fit the Battle"!
And the walls came tumblin' down!
This is the syllable for a tritone (think FA-sharp)
FI (raised fourth scale degree)
This is considered "Musica Diabolica" or the "Devil of Music"...
the TRITONE (augmented fourth or diminished fifth)
Spell a minor chord starting on B-flat
B-flat, D-flat, F
This is a Major scale with a lowered 7th scale degree
Sing the last part of "The Lord's Prayer" starting with "give us this day, our daily bread..."
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever! Amen!
This is the syllable for a lowered 7th scale degree (think TI-flat)
TE (lowered 7th scale degree)