What’s the fastest someone has typed on a QWERTY keyboard?(in wpm)
What is 216 words per minute
What is the first paragraph of a news article called?
What is the lead
How many freshman are currently on the club roster?
What is 8
Who was the previous editor?
What is rohan dalal?
About how many seconds did it take Jayesh K to write the word "fun" 10 times?
What is 8 seconds
What is "using a hook"
Who is the faculty leader?
Who is Ms. Tomatis
What sport does rohan intend to play in college?
What is football
What is the longest-running newspaper in the world?
What is "the London Gazette"
Who on the club roster has the longest name? (first and last)
Who is Kate Park-Beardsley
How tall is rohan dalal?
What is the most-watched televised news event in history?
What is "the Apollo 11 Moon Landing"
What writing structure do news articles follow?
What is "an inverted pyramid"
Which of the recent articles has the most views?
What is "Who Has the Best Buffalo Wings in the Bay Area?"
What's rohan dalal's favorite color?
What is blue
Who holds the Guinness World Record for most published newspaper articles?
Who is Hugh Sidey
What is a "nut graf" in journalism?
What is a paragraph that explains the main point of the story
Who are the current editors?
Who are Claire and Lauryn?
What's rohan dalal's middle name?
What is Moore