This website address is the best way to contact IT with a non-urgent issue using our ticketing system.
What is
The following email is an example of this security issue.
Dear GSE Staff Person,
I'm trying to fix your computer, but I don't have your pennkey and password. Can you send it over?
What is phishing?
This app used for judging business plans engages entrepreneurs in the tech education industry and is named for the competition it facilitates.
What is EBPC? or What is Education Business Plan Competition? or What is the judging app?
What is Game of Thrones?
Do this to your web browsers to stay secure?
What is update?
This playful graphic mapping tool was inspired by GSE Philly Maps and is free to GSE programs who want to showcase the locations of their programs.
Lastpass is a free type of this program that IT recommends you use and is free to all GSE faculty and staff.
This program is the new ISC recommended messaging app that features a make your own meme, animated emojis, and works for both Macs and Windows based machines.
What is Microsoft Teams?
Mike Herzog's adorable dog shown here AND a restaurant chain were both named after this 1967 Rolling Stones chart topping hit.
What is Ruby Tuesday?
This file storage software is where staff should be backing up their files moving forward.
What is Dropbox?