This person's favorite food is cheese
Who is Hristo?
The name of Shane's dog
What is Cheeto?
Grace's Enneagram type
What is Type 7?
This is Lisa's slack photo
Where AZ is currently scuba diving
Where is the Philippines?
This person's favorite movie is Heathers
Who is Victoria?
This person tries Pho in every city they go to
Who is Dom?
Maple's dog breed
What is a golden and a cocker spaniel?
Lisa's zoom background is from this TV show
What is The IT Crowd?
This person was homecoming queen
Who is Hannah?
Ali's guilty pleasure movie
What is the Devil Wears Prada?
These two were both high school English teachers in a past life
Who are Danielle and Frank?
This person's favorite game to play with their friends is Code Names
Who is Libby?
Ryley thought this was Lisa's last name for a few months
What is Finch?
This person has kicked a coyote for their dog before
Who is Maddi?
This person has broken their nose 3 times
Who is Brit?
This person's favorite movie is the Godfather
Who is CH?
This person saw Tom and Zendaya in an SF restaurant
Who is Grace?
What is a durian?
This person has a black belt in karate
Who is Hannah?
This person was a hand model
Who is McKenzie?
Rebecca's favorite Girl Scout cookie
What is a Thin Mint?
This person hired a dog psychic
Who is Libby?
Lisa bought a condo in Chicago from this Fargo actress
Who is Allison Tolman?
This person named their dog after a Tom Hardy character
Who is Maddi? (Alfie Solomons from Peaky Blinders)