Testicular Cancer
Renal Cell Carcinoma and Prostate Cancer
Wilms Tumor
Penile and Bladder Cancer
Grab Bag

What is the most common presentation of testicular cancer?

A painless testicular mass


What is the major driving force in prostate cancer?

Androgens are the major driving force in prostate Cancer


What is the common age for a Wilm's tumor? 

Ages 2-5


The major risk factor for bladder cancer is?

Smoking is the major risk factor for bladder cancer


What is the second most common cancer in men?

Prostate Cancer


What is the initial imaging for a suspected testicular cancer?

Bilateral trans-scrotal ultrasound with doppler


What is the most common type of Renal Cell Carcinoma (pathology)?

Clear Call Carcinoma is the most common type of Renal Cell Carcinoma


About what percentage of patients present with hypertension with a new Dx of Wilms? 

25% of patients with Wilms tumor will present with HTN


Name two risk factors for penile cancer

Poor hygiene, phimosis, increased number of sexual partners, HPV infection, exposure to tobacco products are risk factors for penile cancer


The BRCA 1/2 gene increases the risk of which cancer in males?

Prostate Cancer is higher in carriers of the BRCA 1/2 gene (as well as breast, pancreatic and ovarian cancer)


Where is the most common first location for testicular cancer to spread to?



Name two risk factors for Renal Cell Carcinoma?

Cigarette smoking, end-stage renal failure, hypertension and obesity are risk factors for RCC


How do most patients with Wilms tumor present?

Increasing abdominal size or Incidentally noted abdominal mass


What is the most common presentation of bladder cancer?

Painless hemituria is the most common presentation


Crypto-orchism is a risk factor for which malignancy

Testicular Cancer


What stage is a testicular cancer that has spread to the lung?

Stage III


What is the classic triad of Renal Cell Carcinoma?

The classic triad of RCC flank pain, hematuria and flank mass (but in less than 10% of patients).


Name two late effects from the treatment (chemotherapy) of Wilm's tumor

Late effects of chemotherapy from Wilms: 

Infertility, renal insufficiency, leukemia, neuro psychiatric abnormalities


What is the stage of a penile cancer that has a TNM of T1,N1, M0? 

Stage III penile cancer 


Penile cancer is associated with which virus and what prophylactic measures can be taken?

HPV is the most common virus associated with penile cancer. Gardasil vaccine protects against the two most common strains of HPV that increase cancer risk (strain 16 and 18) 


Part 1: Which two tumor markers can be elevated in testicular cancer?

Part 2: What other cancer also gives off one of these markers? 

Part 1: HCG and AFP

Part 2: Liver Cancer or a Hepatic Tumor (AFP)


Part 1: What is the most common site of metastatic disease in prostate cancer?

Part 2 BONUS: What drugs can be used to prevent skeletal fractures in a patient with bone disease from prostate cancer?

Part 1: Bone is the most common site of metastatic disease in prostate cancer

Part 2: IV Bisphosphonates


Part 1: What percentage of patients will have metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis? 

Part 2: Where is the most common first location of metastatic disease?

Part 1: 10% of patients will have metastatic disease t the time of a Wilms tumor diagnosis

Part 2: Lung (chest)


Name 2 treatments for penile cancer

Treatments for penile cancer include: Penectomy, Topical treatments (fluorouracil) radiotherapy, Mohs surgery, circumcision and laser ablation


What is the Karnofsky score is a patient who is able to care for them self but cannot do normal activities?

70 is the Karnofsy score