For CKF, need a fistula to access, blood is taken out and put thru a dialyzer to filter it and make it clean and given back to the pt thru a different tube, done 3 days a week
If someone had their bladder removed, how would they "pee"?
They would get a urostomy
How big are the kidneys?
4.5 inches long
How long is each ureter?
10-12 inches
Why is a decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) significant clinically?
Because as we age and GFR decreases, it means we do not metabolize medications as well and we could OD or at least do damage to our body since the kidney is not working at an optimal level.
an infection of the kidney and Urinary tract is called
What happens when intake exceeds output for a significant amount of time?
Edema or 3rd spacing
How much urine do they make daily?
1-2 L
How long is the urethra? (inches) male and female
8; 1.5-2 inches
What does Erythropoetin do?
It stimulates the bones to make more RBCs.
Tell me 3 different specific things that can cause ARF
Chemicals/drugs, severe dehydration or blood loss, Heart failure
How much blood do the kidney's receive?
20-25% of blood pumped by the heart
Explain the use of a drug called Lasix, which is a diuretic. What does it do and why would a pt need it?
Lasix is a diuretic. It makes the body produce more urine for those pt's with edema or fluid around their heart/lungs.
Production of urine, excretion of urine/waste, aids in, elimination from bladder where it is stored maintaining acid-base balance, produce the hormone renin that regulates BP, Produce Erythropoetin
Name 2 things that can cause CRF
Diabetes, long term HTN
Name 3 effects of aging on the GU system
decreased GFR, incontinence, glucose reabsorption decreases, kidneys shrink, kidneys cant remove as much waste, loss of muscle tone in the bladder
Describe the 2 types of kidney donor and the major concern of the recipient.