This verb means "to eat lunch" and changes from O to UE in the stem.
¿Qué es "almorzar"?
This word means "cheap" or "inexpensive" in Spanish.
¿Qué es "barato"?
According to the textbook, this is a polite way to disagree with a seller.
¿Qué es "no me gusta/gustaría" or "no puedo"?
When conjugating "pensar," the E in the stem changes to this letter.
¿Qué es "IE"?
According to the textbook, name two ways to get around in the city.
¿Qué son any two of: "carro," "metro," "taxi," "a pie," "autobús"?
When conjugated in the yo form, "poder" becomes this.
¿Qué es "puedo"?
Name two types of jewelry in Spanish mentioned in the textbook.
¿Qué son any two of: "el anillo," "el arete," "el collar," "las joyas," "el oro," "la plata," "la pulsera"?
Complete the phrase used when bargaining: "Le dejo... _____"
¿Qué es "en..."?
The verb "almorzar" has this special change in the stem when conjugated.
¿Qué es "O changes to UE"?
This location is where you would go to buy shoes.
¿Qué es "la zapatería"?
Complete this sentence: "Yo ________ (dormir) ocho horas cada noche."
¿Qué es "duermo"?
This phrase is used to ask "How much does it cost?"
¿Qué es "¿Cuánto cuesta(n)...?"?
This is the phrase used to ask if you can see something in a store.
¿Qué es "¿Me deja ver...?"?
The pronouns "tú" and "él/ella/usted" have this similar pattern in stem-changing verbs.
¿Qué es "Both have stem changes (piensas, piensa)"?
To send a letter, you would visit this place.
¿Qué es "el correo"?
Name two stem-changing verbs that mean "to return" or "to come back."
¿Qué son "devolver" y "volver"?
Name three places where you might shop according to the textbook.
¿Qué son any three of: "el mercado," "la zapatería," "la joyería," "el correo," "la tienda de ropa," "la pastelería," "la panadería"?
In a conversation asking if you can go and eat lunch in a cafe, this is what you would say.
¿Qué es "almorzar en un café"?
Complete the sentence with the correct form of "poder": "¿Ustedes _______ ir al cine?"
¿Qué es "pueden"?
Name three types of transportation you could use to get somewhere.
¿Qué es "a pie, el autobus, el avion, el barco, el carro, el metro, la moto(cicleta), el taxi, el tren"?
Explain the rule for stem-changing verbs in the nosotros/vosotros forms.
Qué es "The stem doesn't change for the nosotros and vosotros forms"?
This phrase in Spanish means "It's very expensive!" and is used when bargaining.
¿Qué es "¡Es muy caro!"?
When asking for permission to go somewhere, you would use this phrase.
¿Qué es "¿podemos ir a...?"?
Identify and explain the error in this sentence: "Nosotros piensan ir al mercado."
¿Qué es "Incorrect conjugation; should be 'pensamos' not 'piensan'"?
Create a complete sentence about going to the market, using a stem-changing verb and transportation vocabulary.
Any correct sentence such as: ¿Qué es "Yo puedo ir al mercado en autobús"?