In session 4, on Grief and Depression, we discovered how we can grow through...? (what)
sadness or depression
Which Facilitator is the Spiritual Leader on the team?
Canada adopted the maple leaf flag in?
In session 8, Financial & Legal Issues, we discovered thee things: What was the first?
How to regain financial footing
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
In session 3, on Anger, some people know how to push your buttons. A gentle answer, turns away...? what
Which Facilitator has remarried since being divorced?
Following Mulroney's resignation as prime minister in 1993, who became the first female prime minister?
Kim Campbell
Session 9 on Conflict, helped us discover three things:
plan for difficult conversations, be a good listener, and how to respond well to conflict
What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
A Penny
In session 5, on Loneliness, we learned that solitude can be a good thing and it can be healthy to.... ? (what)
pursue alone time
Which Facilitator encourages participants the most do their on my own exercise?
The Canadian Alliance and PC party merged into the Conservative Party of Canada in which year?
In session 10, Forgiveness, We discovered and discuss three things: The second one was?
What happens if we don't forgive
What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?
your Name
in session 6, on Fear and Anxiety, according to Dr. Brad Hambrick, part of managing anxiety is... ? (what)
accepting that you're experiencing it
The name of the DivorceCare team member who plays the videos?
Which is the third populous province in Canada?
British Columbia
Session 11, Your Former Spouse, the first this we discovered and discuss was?
what a civil relationship with your ex might look like
What question can you "honestly" never answer "yes" to?
Are you sleeping?
In order to detach from your former spouse, Ron L. Deal suggest you start with a simple change in your morning routine, such a... ? (what)
making coffee/tea for one rather than two
After watching the video, this Facilitator would (most often) leads the discussion questions.
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, resigned in which year?
Session 12, Living Single, the first item we discovered and discuss was?
How to rethink life as an unmarried person
I am full of holes yet I have no problem holding water. What am I?
A Sponge