This person has a sister named Athiei
Who is THON
This person was born on June 5th
Who is Yayha?
This teacher has 2 girls and teaches ESL.
Who is Mrs. Pryber
The Principal who dyes the tips of her blonde hair purple.
Who is Mrs. Fusco
This holiday is celebrated on December 25.
This person has three letters in her name.
Who is Naw Paw Gay
This person was born on December 1.
Who is Naw?
This teacher has 2 boys: Max and Shane
Who is Mrs. Rock
This is the only man principal at our school.
Who is Mr. Foot?
This holiday is celebrated on October 31st. This is when you dress up in a costume
What is Halloween?
This person has a sister named Shukrije.
Who is Drina?
This person was born on January 26.
Who is Allbet?
This teacher is the only man that teaches 3rd grade.
Who is Mr. Dressler?
This is the 2nd grade teacher who is now our assistant principal.
Who is Ms. Ferguson?
This is what Mrs. Rock is going to do over break.
What is relax and spend time with my family?
This person has a brother in 6th grade and his name is Darshan.
Who is Deepshika?
This person was born on November 21.
Who is Smriti?
This 3rd grade teacher is new to our school this year.
This is the person you go to see if you got hurt or feel sick.
This is what Mrs. Rock wants you to do over break.
Have fun!
This person has a little brother named Rihan
Who is Sastina?
This person was born on July 12.
Who is Alex?
This is a gym teacher at our school and his name rhymes with park.
Who is Mr. Stark?
This is what you ride home in every day after school. It is big and yellow.
This person is the newest member to our 3rd grade class. Her name starts with an A.
Who is Abigail?