I was a fisherman, but dropped my nets when I was called by Jesus to follow Him. I later became the first pope
St Peter
The first of us to fall was the hardest for me to accept. My own brother was killed by Herod Agrippa. We were the 'sons of thunder'; our father Zebedee raised us well. Do you remember my brother?
St James the Greater
"Ignorance of Scriptures is ignorance of God."
St Jerome
Who was the first martyr saint?
St Stephen
What is the name of the village where Christ turned water into wine?
I was a Mexican native to whom Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared. Pope John Paul II later called me “a model of humility.”_______
St Juan Diego
This apostle was the first to join Jesus' cause, and even introduced his brother to Christ.
St Andrew
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Where was St. Peter crucified?
Who worked as a tax collector before preaching the word of God?
St Matthew
I studied law before leaving to become a hermit. Later I became a missionary in Andalusia and spiritual advisor of St. Theresa. _______
St John of the Cross
Which apostle had a friend who, when first told about Jesus, replied, "Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
St Philip
Be praised my Lord, for all your creatures, and first for brother sun, who makes the day bright and luminous..."
St Francis of Assisi
Who is the patron saint of athletes?
St Sebastian
After Jesus fed the 5,000, how many baskets were left over?
I expressed interest in being a nun at an early age, but was forced to marry an abusive man. After 18 years, my husband and two sons all died. I was later allowed to enter an Augustinian convent where I began receiving wounds that resembled those from Christ’s crown of thorns. _______
St Rita
Out of the Twelve Disciples, which one was first to declare Jesus as the Son of God? (John 1:49)
St Nathaniel
"I am not worthy to die like my Lord."
St Peter
What is the meaning of the word, martyr?
Who is the high priest of Jerusalem that put Jesus on trial?
I applied at two separate orders before being sent to Montreal to teach. I became known as the “Mother of the Colony.”_______
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys
This Apostle was said to have evangelized as far as India when the early Church was founded. He is rarely mentioned in the Bible.
St Bartholomew
"To one who has faith, no proof is necessary. To one without faith no explanation is possible."
St Thomas Aquinas
Who was the only Apostles who was not a martyr?
St John
Which Gospel is written by a doctor?