Who is Ms Ribero?
Year Advisor
What staffroom/subject will you find at I block?
Do you have to bring your Yondr pouch everyday?
YES. Even if you don't have a phone. It is school property.
When can you access the learning and wellbeing hub?
Who is Mrs Stewart?
Year Advisor
How many blocks are there science labs in?
2 blocks - D block and E block
What time does school start?
What is the latest time you can put a lunch order in at the canteen?
Who is the Head Teacher of Learning Support?
Ms Loader
Where can you find the Gymnasium and your Year Advisors?
M Block
What is truanting?
Absence from school and/or classes without permission.
This has significant consequences such as phone calls home and school/formal cautions. Repeated truancies can result in suspensions.
What happens if you lose your Yondr pouch?
Put your phone in phone jail. Pay $20 for a new one.
Who is the Head Teacher of Wellbeing?
Mrs Z/Mrs Zezovski
Where would you find the visual and performing arts staffroom, including dance, drama and music rooms?
H Block
How many books can you borrow from the library and how long can you have them for?
4 books at a time for a 2-week loan
What should you do if you aren't in correct uniform?
Bring a note from your parent/guardian with a valid reason. The note needs to be dated and signed. Show your rollcall teacher/head teacher and receive a green uniform pass.
What is the Principal's name?
Mrs McKeown
If I was reading a book in the library or exploring historical figures, what block would I be in?
C Block
What is the process for using a Yondr pouch?
1. Turn off your phone.
2. Place your phone and airpods in the pouch.
3. Lock the pouch securely.
4. Unlock pouch at the end of the day.
When can you use the toilet during learning time?
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri
- Second period
- Fourth period
- Last 30 minutes of period 5
This will be different on Tuesdays.