Rural Health in the United States
Improving Care
Preventive Care

Food insecurity, health literacy, limited provider availability, and ________ are associated with the highest risk of nonadherence to preventive medicine in rural America.

What is transportation insecurity/barriers?


Patient navigation interventions have been shown to increase preventive screenings by over  ______ %

What is 50%?


1 in ___ women in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

What is 8?


Rural residents are more likely than urban residents to die prematurely of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and _______ ________.

What is chronic illness?


Despite over 95% of beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans that include dental, hearing, and vision coverage, along with additional benefits (DME, Rx, etc.), only ____ of them are aware of their access to such coverage.

What is one-half?


Of the 25 million living with diabetes in the US, about _____% will develop diabetic retinopathy within 10 years of their diagnosis.

What is 75%?


20% of the population lives in rural areas, but only ____% of family/primary physicians practice there.

What is 10%?


Up to ___% of health outcomes may be attributable to socioeconomic and behavioral factors.

What is 90%?


Preventive healthcare services can reduce premature deaths by approximately ____%.

What is 40%?


More than ___ million rural citizens do not have access to a hospital in the county they live in.

What is 4?


When patients are treated with _________, they are 80% more likely to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and see a 41% reduction in diabetes complications. 

What is compassion?


Blood pressure control reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases by ____%.

What is 70%?