This online platform houses GUNM monthly submissions.
What is Zoho?
The name of the folder to find Robbie Trujillo’s contact information in Zoho.
What is the PC/DC Contact information folder?
On average, the CEO should meet this number of times per month.
What is 2?
This man, dressed in red and white stripes, hides in the pages of children’s books.
Who is (Where’s) Waldo?
This is who you call when something strange is in the neighborhood
Who are the Ghostbusters?
This film is the favorite of our State Director.
What is Napolean Dynamite? (also acceptable - Raising Arizona)
This section of the Polic. & Proc. manual is where I would find directions on student selection for college visits
What is the College Visit SOP
The person to call when you need to submit 40D files to Darren.
Varies, but will likely be some form of SIS Administrator or Powerschool Coordinator or district data manager
The form needed when claiming match for a service.
What is the Contributor Form?
This is where PC’s record their plan for 8th grade transition
What is the 8th grade Transition template (in Zoho)?
This is who you call when your RfR has a negative category.
Who is your RC?
The date the college signing day template is due
What is March 3?
Month specific RfR-Match templates will be populated in Zoho this amount of time prior to the submission deadline.
What is approximately 2 weeks?)
No need to call anyone for this one, you have the answer at your fingertips.This is the service type abbreviation for summer programs.
What is ESUM?
This is the amount I can be reimbursed for 8 hours of partial day per diem.
What is $42?