Guns & Gangs
Donut Kings
Immigrant Experience

Name 1 SEA gang

Born to Kill, Cambodian Killers (CK), Cold Blood Crips (CBC), Asian BoyZ (ABZ)


Who started the Cambodian donut empire in CA?

Ted Ngoy


What two nationalities are disproportionately represented in California’s recent immigrant population?

Cambodians and Laotians (77% of immigrant in CA)


How did SEA gang members represent themselves?

Gang clothes, stunts in school/with police/ in prison, hiphop/rap culture


Where else besides CA did Cambodian donut shops get operated?



Why is it attractive for new SEA immigrants to work in industries established by their own people (nail salons, donut shops)?

No language barrier, shared cultures and immigrants/refugees trauma and experience


Give 2 reasons why young SEA people joined the gangs

Dyadic relationship (mentorship), manifestation of American image/masculinity, easy way to make money 


Why is a donut shop a better investment than a restaurant? 

No sales tax, less labor intensive


What percent of SEA are on welfare?

30% of 1M SEA immigrant


How did the Vietnamese gang Born to Kill hurt their own community?

Extreme violence to keep mouth shut, robbing other Vietnamese (knowing they wouldn't be reported)


How did Cambodians expand their donut empire?

Circulating money to help other families start donut shop (loan), free labor from friends/family, sell donut shop to friends/family and start over


Why is it harmful for Cambodian immigrants to learn from American social workers?

American social workers may have biased perceptions, categorization, and stereotyping of second-tier professionals


What are the inhibiting factors for SEA Americans to reach achievement? How did this lead to the rise of gangs?

Low wages and language barriers lead to long hours work. Less time to take care of their families and children. 

Resorting to gangs/ street violence creating a cycle of bad behaviors->incarcerations->poor->no out.

Why did Ted Ngoy being Sino-Cambodian help him in the doughnut industry?

Experience running business in rice, retail trades, export/ import businesses


Why did successful Cambodians return to Cambodia?

Many affluent went back to help the impoverished, educate people about democracy and voting, run offices/ become politicians, expand businesses into Cambodia