Appearance of Holy Spot
Discussion with Saints
Discussion with Saints Part 2
Misapprehension of Ascetic
Limitless Courtesy

Who told Guru Ram Das Ji that a spot would become known at some point that would become a great place of pilgrimage? Who showed up for an audience with Guru Sahib when this place was to reveal itself?

Guru Amar Das Ji told Guru Ram Das Ji about the spot. A man and woman came to Guru Ram Das Ji to tell them about sometime strange that happened to them.


Who came to visit Guru Ram Das Ji while the construction of the Amritsar sarovar was going on?

A group of saints/yogis.


Guruji replies to the saints that God cannot be realized without what quality?



Why did the ascetic come to Amritsar?

He heard people praising Guru Ram Das Ji and decided to go see him.


What did Baba Sri Chand think of Guru Angad Dev Ji?

He felt wronged by Guru Nanak Dev Ji making Guru Angad Dev Ji the next Guru instead of him and would say that Guru Angad Dev Ji was just a servant of their household.


Who was the woman who showed up? What was her name and what happened between her and her father?

The woman was named Rajni. She was the youngest daughter out of 5 of a landlord named Duni Chand. When her father asked here and her sisters who provides food for them, she was the only one to say God provides for her, which made her father angry. Then when she was older, her father married her to a physically handicapped man and sent her from the house.


What did Guruji do when these saints arrived?

Guruji had them sit with him and asked why they had come to visit.


How did Guruji say salvation is achieved?

Through connecting with Vaheguru.


How did the ascetic get food?

He would start a campfire outside a village and wait for people to bring him food since the people thought he was a holy person because he told them Hindu tales and/or Sanskrit verses.


How did Guru Ram Das Ji treat Baba Sri Chand?

He showed him great respect and seated him in sangat next to himself. When Baba Sri Chand asked by Guruji had such a long beard, Guruji said to wife the dust from feet of great men like Baba Sri Chand and started to wipe his feet with his beard. This showed Guruji's humility.


What happened when Rajni left her husband by a pond?

She came back to where she left her husband and found a healthy man who said he was her husband.


What did the leader of the saints say the Sikhs are not learning?

He said the Sikhs are not learning Ashat Yoga.


What does Guruji say happens when Sikhs begin to feel love for Vaheguru?

Guruji says Sikhs see Vaheguru in everything, begin to understand their inner self/soul, lose their ego, and they lose a desire for wordly things even if while going about their worldly duties.

What was Guruji's response when the ascetic asked why Sikhs do not go on pilgrimages to holy places to erase sins and get to heaven?

Guruji said that the knowledge people used to get from wise men at holy places is now available through the Guru's shabad. Also, Sikhs by connecting with Vaheguru Sikhs destroy all their sins and stop caring about pain or pleasure so they don't care about heaven.


When Guru Ram Das Ji's cousin invited him to the marriage of his son, who did he ask to go in his place? Who ended up going? How long did he have to stay there?

He asked his sons to go but the older two refused and Guru Arjan Dev Ji ended up going. He was told to stay there until Guru Ram Das Ji called him back.

What did the man who claimed to be Rajni's husband say happened?

He said he say crows go into the pond and come out white like doves, so he crawled into the pond and his body was cured.


Why did the Saints say people need to learn yoga?

They said that yoga is required to control the mind and controlling the mind is required for salvation.


What did Guruji ask the saints after explaining Sikh spirituality to them?

He asked them why people who have made spiritual progress through yoga live in mountains and jungles and don't help others improve in their spirituality.


What did Guruji say when the ascetic said the Sikhs only bow to him?

Guruji said that the Sikhs don't bow to his material body but instead to the light of knowledge represented by the Guru which removes darkness from Sikhs' minds.


After the wedding when there was no message from Guru Ram Das Ji, how many letters did Guru Arjan Dev Ji send? Who kept trying to hide the letters and why?

Guru Arjan Dev Ji sent 3 letters and Prithi Chand his older brother tried to keep them from reaching Guru Ram Das Ji. Prithi Chand wanted to be Guru so he wanted to keep Guru Arjan Dev Ji from coming back.


What did Guruji tell Rajni? What did Guruji now do after hearing about this special place?

He told Rajni that the man was actually her husband and due to her faith in Vaheguru, her husband was cured. Guruji, then began excavation of the pond to construct the Amritsar sarovar.


What did the Saints think that Sikhs were stuck in attachment to?

To wordly things.


After Guruji recited some Gurbani and they had no response to his question, what did the saints do?

They left because they realized they had been exposed.


What did Guruji say when the ascetic says that Sikhs have stopped reading the Vedas and only recite Gurbani?

He said Gurbani is not only meant to be read but also understood and applied to your life. This frees you from pain while living in the world. The Vedas which are written in sanskrit are hard for common people to understand.


After finally getting Guru Arjan Dev Ji's letters, who did Guru Ram Das Ji send to bring Guru Arjan Dev Ji back? What did he do once Guru Arjan Dev Ji returned?

He sent Baba Budha Ji and five Sikhs to bring Guru Arjan Dev Ji back from Lahore. When Guru Arjan Dev Ji came back Guru Ram Das Ji made him the next Guru.