Ella's bday. Month, day and year
What is December 21, 1997
Ella's friend that lives in Washington?
Who is Lydia?
Ella's zodiac sign
What is Sagittarius?
The third planet from the sun
What is Earth?
Where did Ella and Hannah meet?
Ella's favorite Marvel Villan
Who is Loki?
Ella's Full Time Employer?
What is the University of Minnesota?
Ella's dad's name
What is Scott
Water's Freezing point (in degrees farenheit)
What is 32 degrees Farenheit?
Who was Ella and Brooke's mutual friend?
Who is Keegan?
Ella's gamertag
What is GondorGold?
Ella's MAIN Part-Time Employer?
What is Star Trek Unlimited?
Ella's mom's name
What is Sandra?
Who is Lin Manuel-Miranda?
Coach Brooke's first and last name
What is Brooke Westcott
City of the Star Trek Convention Ella goes to with her dad
Where is Baltimore?
Ella's father's mother's name
Who is Marce?
Name of the man that was setting things on fire in Ella's apartment in Loring Park
Who is Dale?
Is the most played female artist on Spotify as of December 2022
Who is Taylor Swift?
Hannah's first and last name
what is Hannah Barnes?
Ella's cats FULL name
who is Professor Henry Walton Jones, Jr.?
Star Trek actor Ella met at a bar and they gave her a whiskey
Who is Ethan Peck?
Ella's senior year college roommate
Who is Sam?
Reason for the 1st world war
What is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
Religion that Brooke and Hannah technically belong to
What is Catholicism