what is a scrunchie
what is the popular video game where you play soccer with cars
rocket league
which missionary is from Arizona
what is foundation
foundation is a liquid, cream, or powder makeup applied to the face and/or neck to create an even color to the complexion, cover flaws or to change the natural skin tone
what tool is used to lift a car when changing a flat tire
a jack
which missionary says this “coffee is my love language“
describe a pixie haircut
A very short women’s hairstyle
which of these isn’t a penalty in the NFL: face mask, stiff arm, off side, intentional grounding
stiff arm
after high school, which two missionaries went to college
Maya and Thomas
describe what a romper is
a one-piece garment combining a shirt and shorts
when playing Black Jack, what do you say when you want to be dealt another card
which four missionaries did theatre in high school
Olivia, Hoff, Thomas, and JP
what is the name of a manicure in which a band of usually white polish across the tip of the nail contrasts with the often clear polish below
french tip
what is a desert eagle
a gun
which missionaries are the oldest sibling in their family
Liam, Madison, and Olivia