I am the day of the week that the prophet was born
What is Monday?
This recited in Ruku [bowing down in prayer]
What is Subhaana Rabbiyal-'Adheem?
He freed Bilal RA from slavery
Who was Abu Bakr RA
She was the first woman to accept islam.
Who was Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
The Qur’an was revealed for the first time at this location.
What is Hira?
This is how are you? In Arabic
What is كيف حالك ?
A permissible act in islam
What is Halal
The year the prophet was born was referred to as the year of the
What is the year of the Elephant?
This is recited when going to sleep.
What is bismika Allahumma amoothu wa ahya?
He was the first caller of the Azaan.
Who was Bilal RA
She was the closest daughter to our Prophet (PBUH)
Who was Fathimah Az ZAhra?
This was where the first Surah was revealed.
What is Makkah?
It means That in Arabic
What is ذلك ?
A forbidden act in islam
What is Haram
I am the age the prophet was when his mother died
What is 6 years old?
This is recited during the last ten days of Ramadan/Laylatul Qadr
What is Allahumma innaka Afuwwun [Karimun ] tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee?
They were the first builders of Ka`bah
Who was Nabi Ibrahim Ismail (pbut)?
She was daughter of Abu Bakr AS Siddique and was married to the Prophet (PBUH)
Who was Aaishah Bint Abu Bakr?
This Surah does not begin with Bismillah
What is Surah At-tawba?
This is the type of lam that’s written but not pronounced.
What is the sunny lam (لام شمسية)?
I am the name of the act done to purify yourself before prayer
What is wudu
I am the name of the cave where the prophet first received revelation
What is the Cave of Hira?
This is recited when entering the restroom
What is Allahumma innee aoothu bika min al khubthi wal khabaaith?
He placed the Hajr-e-Aswad on the Ka'bah .
Who was Nabi Muhammad [PBUH]?
She was the first martyr of Islam.
Who is Sumayyah bint Khayyat
This surah starts with the name of a fruit.
What is At-teen and Zaitoon?
This is the plural of the word “pen.” قلم
What is أقلام ?
I am the way one purifies himself when water is not available
What is Tayyamuum
I am how old the prophet was when he Passed away
What is 60 years old?
This is recited after the Athaan [Call to prayer]
What is Allaahumma Rabba haathid - da'watit - taammati wassalaatil-qaa'imati, 'aati Muhammadanil-waseelata walfadheelata, wab 'ath-hu maqaamam-mahmoodanil-lathee wa'adtahu, 'innaka laa tukhliful-mee'aad?
He was the guardian of Maryam Alaihas Salaam
Who was Zakariyyah Alaihis Salaam?
She gave birth to prophet Ismail.
Who is Hajirah?
Whoever reads this on Friday ALLAH will shower a light (NOOR) on his/her face that will last till the next Friday.
What is Surah Al-Kahf?
This is the plural for امرأة
What is النساء ?
I am at least two reasons one may be exempt from fasting during the month of Ramadan
A pregnant woman
A breastfeeding woman
A child that hasn’t reached puberty
A traveler
A sick person
I am the event that happened to the prophet when he was with his wet nurse/foster mother, which caused her fear and finally caused her to take him back to his mother
What is children seeing an angel cut the prophets chest open in order to cleanse his heart from evil?
This is recited when entering a home
What is bismillah walajna wa bismillah kharajnaa wa alaa rabbinaa tawakkalnaa?
He was the first child who embraced Islam
Who was Ali RA?
She was the strong woman who stood up against the tyrant Pharaoh.
Who is Aasiya?
This was the first Surah revealed from the Qur’an.
What is Surat Al-Alaq?
This is second person attached pronouns in Arabic (ضمائر المخاطب )
What is أنتَ -أنتِ-أنتم -أنتن ?
I am the name of the 2 rakaats offered when entering a masjid
What is Tahyit al masjid
I am the number of children that the prophet had
What is 6?
This is recited when leaving the masjid
What is Bismillahi wassalaatu wassalaamu,ala Rasoolillahi,Allahumma inni as’aluka, min fadhlika, Allahumma’simnee munashaythaani rajeem?
He introduced the Islamic Calendar
Who was Umar Ibn Al-Khattab?
She is the foster mother of our prophet Muhammad SA
Who is Halimah bint Abi Dhuayb?
This is the most powerful verse (Ayah) in the entire Quran
What is Ayat Al-Kursi?
It means some in Arabic
What is بعض ?
We are the two conditions that must be met for a deed to be accepted
We are; Sincerity and According to the Quran and Sunnah
I am the names of the prophet’s children
Who are, Zainab, Ruqayya, Umm Kulthum, Faatimah, Qasim and Abdullah also known as Tayyib and Tahir, and Ibrahim?
This is recited when riding in a vehicle
What is Bismillah Alhamdulillah subhanallathee sakkhara lanaa hathaa wa maa kunna lahu muqrineen wa inna ilaa rabbina la munqaliboon?
Iam a prophet who was also a carpenter
Who was Zakariyyah Alaihis Salaam?
She was one of the wives of the prophet (PBUH) and the daughter of Umar ibn Al Khathab.
Who was Hafsah bint Umar?
This is the number of Ambiyaa whose names are
mentioned in the Quran
What is 25?
This is the Arabic word (terminology) used to represent the subject of a sentence that contains a verb.
What is the فاعل?
We are the 4 well known Jurisprudence Scholars in Islam
Who areHanafi, Malaki, Shafi, Hanbali?
The muslims gathered in my home secretly to learn about Allah’s revelation in the early years, well before Islamic was able to be propagated in public
What is Arqam’s house?
This is recited when entering the masjid
What is Aoothu billahil adheem wa bi wajhihil kareem wa Sultaanihil -qadeem, minash-Shaytaani rajeem, Allahum-maftah lee, abwaaba rahmatika?
Bilal RA died in this country
Bilal RA died in this country?
She is mostly remembered for taking part in the battle of uhud
Who is Nusayba b. Ka‘b al-Anṣārīyya?
The revelation of the Qur’an began this month.
What is Ramadan?
It means possessing/having , used with feminine plural nouns , singular is ذات
What is ذوات ?
A disliked act but not forbidden
What is Makruh
I am the name of at least 4 battles fought during the prophets lifetime
What are Badr, Uhud, Hunain, Ahzab also known as Kandaq and the conquest of Makkah?
This is recited when getting dressed.
What is Alhamdulillahillazee kasaani haza warazaqneehi min ghairi hawlin minni wala kuwwa?
He was the Christian ruler of Abyssinia who showed
kindness to the Muslim immigrants from Makkah at
the time of the Prophet
Who was Negus (Najjashi)?
They are the daughters of prophet Muhammad SA
Who are Zainab bint Muhammad,Ruqayyah bint Muhammad,Umm Kulthum bint Muhammed and Fatima bint Muhammed?
There two Surah’s of the Qur’an are named after insects.
What are Al-Naml (the Ant) and Al-Nahl (the Honey Bee)?
These are the sisters of the particle( إن)
What are أن - كأن - لكن - ليت - لعل?
A communal obligation in islam is reffered to as
What is Fard Kifiyah