Teachers' Pets
Life Skills: Kitchen
Vocational Skills
Community Job Sites
School Activities and Lessons

This teacher has a St. Bernard dog named Iris and 2 cats, Chloe and Paul. 

Who is Mrs. Connelly


Before any kitchen activity, everyone must do this!

What is wash hands?


Another word for Vocational.  

What is Work?  (or Job) 


Working here involves pulling weeds, filling bird feeders, and sorting eggs. 

What is Fox Chase Farm? 


This weekly lesson includes news, puzzles, jokes, and recipes.

What is News2You?


Sally the Beagle is THIS teacher's best friend. 

Who is Ms. Rickus? 


This appliance is used for baking things like cookies, cakes, and dog treats. 

What is the oven?


Students in our program practice cleaning skills by helping in THIS place where meals are served. 

What is the cafeteria? 


These are some of the jobs that Trey, Tillson, and Jason did at work in the community (name the place): 

 Put snacks into bags. work in the warehouse. Stock shelves. Organize food items

What is Caring For Friends?


Ms. Rickus and Ms. Aptaker show daily videos about this way of making others happy. 

What is Kindness? 


This teacher has 3 greyhound dogs: Vader, Simon, and Lacey

Who is Ms. Aptaker


When you need to put a half cup of milk and one third of a cup of oil into a recipe, it is handy to have some of these. 

What are measuring cups? 


This document lists your work experience in order to help you get a job. 

What is a resume? 


Students at this store worksite helped to straighten clothes on hangers and to neaten the shoe racks.

What is Goodwill?


C.B.I. stands for this. 

What is Community Based Instruction? 


This Vocational Teacher has no pets and is allergic to cats.  But she takes care of lots of plants. 

Who is Ms. Oakes? 


The written instructions for how to cook or bake something. 

What is a recipe? 


The word for doing a job with no pay.  It's a good way to get experience or to help in your community.

What is volunteering? 


Students at this job help to maintain the gym area by dust mopping and wet mopping the floors. They also organize sport uniforms. 

What is Somerton Youth Organization (SYO)? 


This year, Transition students had a small business selling __________ for dogs. 

What are dog treats? (biscuits, dog cookies)