Hopes and Dreams
Zombies (revisited)
Harness What I've Taught You: Supernatural Edition

Best Flavor of Ice Cream?

Vanilla (she's versatile, leave me alone)


What breed of house would I like to own?

Victorian, this is a given. Just look at me 


Top 3 favorite Marvel heroes

1.) Nightcrawler

2.) Gambit 

3.) Rogue 


#1 no no during the zombie apocalypse, not due to zombies, but due to humans?

Boats. We should be very afraid of pirates 


How do you kill a vampire? Weaknesses are key

Sunlight? No, made up by nausferatue. This is too new to vampire cannon to be confirmed as safe.

Stake to the heart? Obvi, who wouldn't that kill?

Silver? Not a confirmed weakness in cannon, but I will accept this. 

Holy ground/holy water? confirmed, you may use, but be mindful of being headless horsemaned. Half point.



The very best character in all of LOTR history?

Glorfindel Goldenflower 


What type of door entrance décor do I think is adorable and want in my future home? 

Wooden dragon on the top of the door frame and glass beaded curtains down below. It makes him look like a dragon hoarding gold 

(Wooden door frame dragon purchased at the ren faire fyi for future gift ideas, I like them in every color)


Top 3 DC heroes? Different from last time 

1.) Red hood (my husband <3)

2.) Superman 

3.) The Question

Honorable mentions: Etrigan the Demon   


As previously stated by Kellen, what is the best weapon to have? And a new idea by me!

Kellen's Idea: Metal bat. Never dulls, longer distance. 

My new idea: Spikeless flail. Keeps distance and bludgeons. Downside is, it's hard to use and can be heavy. Wood and metal feel the same weight when swinging overhead 

Bonus! Rock sling. Easy ammo, long distance, hard to break. Downside: learning curve and not 100% guaranteed hit.   


Realistically, could a gnome become a werewolf or is a werewolf bite on other magical creatures treated like a venom? 

My belief is that gnomes are human enough to become werewolves, but things like fairies are too different from humans to turn into a werewolf, it would act like a venom


What country is falling first due to zombie apocalypse? 

England. Why? Losers on an island, that's why 


What states are opportune to live in for me?

Massachusetts, specifically Salem. The vibe is all I want. It's a walkable city with tons of stuff to do and the vibe is 10/10

Maine, I haven't picked an exact location here, but somewhere along the coast


Who are 3 Marvel characters I hate?  

1.) Iron Man :( Hate this guy with my whole body and soul 

2.) Wolverine >:( not everything needs to be about him. He's not even that interesting 

3.) Captain Marvel/Miss Marvel :| easily explained. I've never liked her and I never will. Boring to the bone. Only interesting with Rogue storylines


When it comes to agriculture in the oncoming zombie apocalypse what ancient civilization's farming techniques would I use? If they ever figure out how the ancient people did it to begin with

Aztec floating gardens 


How to beat a fae

1.) Never give your name!

2.) Fairies are weak to silver. Silver nets are used to catch them 

3.) They can turn into woodland creatures. Simply don't interact with them 


The one farm animal that I would never own because they scare me? 

Pigs. They eat people and they don't have necks 


What kind of garden would I like to have. 2 answers 

Veggies and fruit garden in the back, flower garden in the front yard 

My favorite villain of all time?

Magneto :)


What state would I absolutely not go to, knowing all the zombies have been taken care of in such state? It's about the people and environment, not the zombies at this point 

Alaska, the crime rates per human capita is insane. HOW DO THEY HAVE SO MUCH CRIME AND SUCH FEW PEOPLE? They're not petty crimes either


Can a romance between a gnome and a centaur be fruitful? 

Retell the story

The answer from the stupid groomed Christian girl was no :( 


Who should be the sworn enemy of dragons? 

Goblins. They make the most sense. Goblins pillage for gold and hoard it and dragons invade the goblin colony and take the gold piles for themselves. WAR BETWEEN GOBLINS AND DRAGONS! Goblins could fight them like how ants eat things. AN ENTIRE COLONY AT ONCE


What kind of box tv do I want when I'm an adult? It's themed

Batman box tv with the batarang remote



What do I think was the dumbest thing they ever did in comic book history?

Wonder Woman is now a mom ;(


Who would be my perfect zombie apocalypse team?  

Considering the size, I can survive with Lauren and Lauren alone. Muscle doesn't have to be important, the most important part of a zombie team is the brains (laugh) if you're able to figure out how to survive primitively, survival should be easy. Surviving with 2 is ideal. Having a large team is detrimental in the long run 


When attempting escape from a ghost or possessed house, what is one to do?

Move and hope it doesn't follow you. Salt the doors and windows, try to trap it in one area and keep it as pet. Don't fall in love with it