How many different Versions of Pickleball are there?
2 (Singles and Doubles)
How many players total players are on a court during a volleyball game
The shuttlecock is also known as:
What is the key principle that guides gameplay in ultimate frisbee?
Spirit of the Game
What is the club typically used to hit the ball off the tee?
The non-volley zone is also known as:
The Kitchen
How many hits are a team allowed to make before the ball must go over the net?
Which stroke is used to serve in badminton?
Drop Shot
How is possession of the disc transferred between players?
What is the term for the number of strokes it takes a player to complete a hole?
True or False Cross Serving is NOT mandatory in Pickleball
A serve that passes over the net and lands in the opponent's court without being returned is called:
Name 3 Types of hits in Badminton
Drop Shot
What is the difference between a hard cap and a soft cap
A hard cap is a strict time limit, while a soft cap is a more flexible one.
Define a birdie
a score of one stroke under par at a hole.
What is the purpose of the Double Bounce Rule
To prevent volleys from happening too quickly
What is the name of the back row player that sub in and out freely?
What is the line called that runs parallel to the net in badminton?
Service Line
List 3 Types of throws in Ultimate Frisbee
- Forehand
- Backhand
- Pull
- Hammer
What is the name of the small indentation on the green where the ball is to be placed?
A "perfect" volleyball possession has which 3 hits
Bump, Set, Spike
What is a set of Badminton played to?
What happens if a player commits a foul?
Possession is transferred