How many Union soldiers were there in the battle of Sabine Pass?
Where was the battle?
How did women busy themselves during the war?
By working as nurses
What stopped supply flow?
A blockade
Who won the battle of Sabine Pass?
The Confederacy
Who won the battle of Brownsville
The Union
What did women get when the men went to war?
The plantation
What supplies were cut off?
Pins, needles, medicine, and candles.
When did the battle of Sabine Pass occur?
September 8, 1863
When did the battle of Brownsville occur?
November 2-6 1863
What would a women do when the man has gone home
Maintain businesses or work in plantations
Who formed the blockade that cut off supplies?
The Union, The North, or the USA
Who was the commander for the Confederacy in the battle of Sabine Pass?
Richard William Dowling
Who led the Union forces in the battle of Brownsville?
Colonel Washington Geiger
What would they do for the soldiers?
Make charities and fund them
What was the Blockade called?
Scott's Great Snake
How many Confederate soldiers were battling at Sabine Pass?
Who led the Confederacy in the battle of Brownsville?
Brigadier General John S. Marmaduke
Who is a celebrated lady hospital founder?
"Captain" Sally Thompson
How many men/ships were blocking the area?
500 ships, 1500 blockade runners.