This was the projected market size of the the Indian retail market in 2010 if FDI restrictions were relaxed
What is $300bn?
Tesco's international development strategy was based on these 6 elements (name at least 2)
What is "be flexible, act local, keep focus, be multi-format, develop capability and build brands"?
This was the retail market entry method which allowed 100% FDI.
What is wholesale retail?
[Fun Fact] India permitted 100% FDI in wholesale in 1997
This is the market entry strategy used by Marks & Spencer, Shoprite Checkers, Reebok, Nike, Cartier, Woolsworth, Debenhams and McDonalds
What is franchising?
[Fun Fact] McDonalds actually entered India through a JV with an Indian company (Hardcastle Restaurants) but recently switched to a franchise model.
This Indian newspaper has a daily circulation of 3,146,000 and is the most widely read English newspaper in the world.
What is "The Times of India"?
This was the biggest corruption scandal that was uncovered in 2011, but occurred from 2008 onwards.
What was the 2G (mobile phone spectrum) Corruption Scandal?
[Fun Fact] The amount of money the Indian government lost is estimated to be $35bn. Time magazine listed the scam at number two on their “Top 10 Abuses of Power” list (just behind the Watergate scandal)
This was the last part of Tesco's core purpose which starts of with "to create value for customers....."
What is "to earn their lifetime loyalty"?
These were the four industries that had FDI restrictions in India.
What is "atomic energy, lottery business, gambling & betting and retail"
These are the potential market entry options for retailers entering India (name 2).
What is franchising & licensing (non-equity), JV & strategic alliance (equity-based) or wholly-owned wholesaler?
The industry association that represents traders in India
What is the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT)?
This is the Professor's favorite gym routine. Also, a multi-billion dollar industry in India :).
What is Bollywood?
[Fun Fact] The top actors in Bollywood charge ~$7m a year in brand endorsements
These were Tesco's revenues and profits respectively in 2009.
Whats 41bn pounds & 3 billion pounds?
This was the name of the committee that supervised the sale process between farmers and traders in most states (until recently).
What was the Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC)?
[Fun Fact] Farmers could not sell direct to customer, only to APMC approved traders which gave the traders a lot of power.
The restriction that was placed on LVMH (single-brand) after it announced that its venture would sell ballpoint pens, umbrellas, and cuff links.
What was the "export at least 50% of any product manufactured in India" restriction?
This was the response of the Indian trading community on December 1st, 2011 after the Cabinet approved 51% FDI in multi-brand retail in India.
What was the "Bharat Vyapar Bandh"?
[Fun Fact] This "bandh" was jointly announced by Confederation of All India Traders and Bharat Udyog Vyapar Mandal. The bandh evoked partial to complete response but neighbourhood shops by and large remained open.
These are the names given to the lower and upper house respectively of the Parliament in India.
What is Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?
[Fun Fact] The lower house of the provincial (state) legislature is called Vidhan Sabha
This retailer followed Metro's footsteps and opened its first "cash-and-carry" outlet in New Delhi on Dec 30, 2010 and is in advanced stage of talks with India's retail giant, Future Group.
Who is Carrefour?
This is the year China permitted FDI in its retail sector.
What is December 2004?
Names of some big supermarkets in India (name two).
What are Foodworld, Spencers, Foodbazaar, MK Retail, Total, West Side Chain, Big Bazaar, Reliance Fresh, More, Easyday?
This was the reason China liberalized its FDI in retail in December 2004
What was the significance of China's admission into the WTO in 2004?
[Fun Fact]: According to Euromonitor, retail sales in China, which amounted to nearly USD 554 billion in 2003, were expected to grow rapidly to reach USD 900 billion by 2009.
This is the number of farmer households in rural India (as of the "latest" 2003 government report). [Answer should be within +/- 10 million]
What is 89.4 million?
[Fun Fact] The Indian farmer receives just 10 to 23 percent of the price the Indian consumer pays for produce, the difference going to losses, inefficiencies and middlemen traders. Farmers in developed economies of Europe and the United States, in contrast, receive 64 to 81 precent of the price the local consumer pays for exactly the same produce in their supermarkets.
Even after the Indian Government permitted 100% FDI in single-brand retail, Ikea refused to enter the Indian market primarily because of this restriction.
What is the 30% sourcing restriction mandated by the Indian government for 100% FDI?
These were the three most commonly touted benefits of FDI liberalization in the Indian retail sector. (name at least 2)
What are
1) Improvement in supply chain infrastructure,
2) Improvement in farmer income and
3) Benefits to consumer such as better quality products and cheaper prices
Amount Bharti Walmart Pvt. Ltd. is raising to fund the rapid expansion of its business in Asia's third-largest economy.
What is $96 million (INR 5billion)?
This Training Centre offers short-term vocational training courses and supports more than 125 students per center each month with a course of 2-3 weeks duration conducted six days a week. To date, nearly 7300 students have been certified and nearly 2130 have been placed in various jobs out of which more than 350 are placed in our own stores. All enrolled candidates are awarded 100% scholarships.
What is the Bharti Walmart Training Center?
[Fun Fact] Walmart also provided training in retail to local shopkeepers under the "Mera Kirana" program.