What is a habitat?
a place where an animal or plant lives that has food, water, and shelter
How have animals adapted to the Arctic
They have heavy fur coats. They have blubber. They have coats that camoflouge them with the snow.
What is a grassland like?
What is a carnivore?
An animal that only eats meat. A lion, owl, jaguar, or snake.
A place to be safe from weather.
Why do living things live in a habitat where they are suited to?
So they can survive better.
How have animals and plants adapted to the desert?
They store water. Feathers that protect from the heat. They are nocturnal. Camoflauge.
What is a Temperate Deciduous forest like?
A forest that is not too hot and not cold. It has 4 seasons.
What is an omnivore?
An animal that eats plants and animals. Like a woodpecker or squirrel or toucan or squirrel monkey.
Changing to fit a habitat
What is a the Arctic Tundra like?
It is very, very cold, with ice and snow. There are not many plants at all.
how have grassland animals adapted?
The grass has deep roots and grow fast.Giraffes have long necks to get food. Strong legs to run fast.
What is a tropical rainforest like?
They are warm and wet. It rains everyday. It is also very humid and hot.
What is an herbivore?
An animals that only eats plants. Like a rabbit or giraffe, deer, or Macaws.
the top a forest, you can not walk on it.
What is the Arctic Ocean like?
It is very cold in the Arctic Ocean. It has icebergs and it is freezing.
How have plants and animals adapted to the deciduous forest.
Plants have big leaves to get sunlight.
What is a freshwater habitat like?
Its a water habitat with no salt water, like a lake.
What is habitat destruction?
It can look like pollution or cutting down trees or forest fires. It makes a habitat not okay for animals to live in.
When all of the species, (animals or plants) are dead. There are no more of them on the planet.
What is a desert habitat like?
It is very hot. It does not rain a lot. There is sand.
How have plants and animals adapted to the rainforest.
Plants have large leaves to get sunlight. Jaguars have specials paw with thick fur.
What a saltwater habitat like?
It is an ocean, it has salt in the water.
Is ocean life diverse?
Endangered Species
An animals that is at risk of going extinct. There are not many of them left on the planet.