These are animals that get eaten by other animals.
List an apex predator.
wolf, orca whale, tiger, lion, polar bear, jaguar, cheetah, snow leopard, sperm whale, black bear
Some animals eat plants. Other animals eat other animals. This is called a ________.
Food chain
Hawks eat snakes, snakes eat prairie dogs, prairie dogs eat tree roots and leaves. This is an example of a __________.
Food chain
Hawk or Snake?
Which of the following is the prey?
Define a predator.
An animal that eats or preys upon other animals.
This habitat is hot and dry. Plants that live here find creative ways to store water.
Desert habitat
Many food chains together make up a....
List an animal that an owl preys upon.
What is the only threat to an apex predator?
What are the four basic needs of a habitat?
Food, water, shelter, and space
Food chains are like _____ in a chain.
List a prey in this food chain:
grasshopper, frog, jaguar
grasshopper or frog
An example of a predator that likes to eat small mice.
owl, hawk, snake, lizard, raccoon, cats, dogs
What is it called when an animal finds ways to hide in its habitat?
What is the name of the part of an ecosystem that breaks down all of the waste?