15 years old
What is the #1 played video game?
What is the #1 perferred search engine?
This saint is known for his love of animals and the enviroment?
Saint Francis of Assisi
What is Carlo Acutics the patron staint of?
Patron saint of the internet, and gamers
On average how many hours per week do people play video games?
8-12 hours per week
What does the term "Wi-Fi" stand for?
Wireless fidelity
This saint is famous for his missionary work and is often shown his missionary work and is often shown holding a book?
Saint paul
True or False: Saint Carlo Acutis had a dog
True or False: Nearly half of all gamers are female?
If you recive a message from someone you don't know, what shoudl you do?
Do not respond and tell and adult
This saint is the mother of Jesus and is honored as the patron saint of all mothers?
Saint Mary
True or False: Saint Carlo is the yougest saint?
What is the #1 purchased game?
Which device allows you to access the internet wirelessly?
A smartphone
This saint was a young girl who became a saint after being martyred for her faith?
What did Carlo die from?
When was the first video game made?
A- 1958
What is the "www" in a website address short for?
World Wide Web
This saint is known for perfroming many miracles including healing the sick?
Saint Luke