Positive/Negative Sentences

This word is an adjective that describes the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions, adversity, or setbacks. 

What is Resilient


This tense is used to talk about an action that happened before another action in the past.

What is Past Perfect Tense


This word is a verb that means to provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. 

What is nourish


This is a word that describes or modifies a noun (a person, place, thing, or idea) by providing more information about its characteristics.

What is an adjective


This sentence is either positive or negative, what makes this sentence positive or negative. "I can speak English fluently".

What is I can


Willing to face or endure danger, pain, or difficulty without showing fear; courageous. 

What is Brave


This is a verb tense used to describe actions or events that have already happened and are completed in the past. It is one of the most common tenses in English.

What is Past Simple Tense 


This is a type of verb in which the past tense is not formed by adding the usual "-ed" ending to the base form. These verbs often undergo a change in the vowel sound or have an entirely different form in the past tense.

What is Irregular Verb 


What is the adjective in the sentence? "The big, fluffy cat is sleeping."

What is big and fluffy


This sentence is either positive or negative, what makes this sentence positive or negative. "I can paint beautiful landscapes".

What is I can 


This word is an adjective that describes the quality of being able to accomplish a task with minimal wasted time, effort, or resources.

What is Efficient


The sentence, "I went to the grocery store yesterday", shows what tense. 

What is Past simple tense


"This sentence contains an irregular verb. Identify the past tense irregular verb for the word 'Go'."

"I go to the store everyday. Yesterday, I went to the store."

What is Went


This word is an adjective that describes the presence of a great deal of variety, differences, or distinctions.

What is diverse.


This sentence is either positive or negative, what makes this sentence positive or negative. "I can program computer software".

What is I can 


A task or situation that tests someone's abilities or capabilities, often requiring effort and determination to overcome. 

What is Challenge


This tense describes actions that happen regularly, facts that are always true, or routines. It's used to talk about things that happen in the current moment or regularly occur.

What is Present Simple Tense


This sentence contains a regular verb. Identify the past tense form of the verb "study."

"I study for exams every week. Last night, I studied for my exam". 

What is Studied


Find the adjectives in the sentence:

 "The messy, disorganized room was difficult to clean."

What is messy and disorganized


This sentence is either positive or negative, what makes this sentence positive or negative. "I can't play chess". 

What is I can't


This word is an adjective that describes the capability of being maintained or continued over the long term without causing harm to the environment or depleting resources.

What is Sustainable.


The sentence, "She had washed her hands before she cooked the dinner", shows what tense. 

What is Past Perfect Tense


This is a part of speech that modifies or describes verbs, adjectives. This word can answer questions such as "how," "when," "where," "to what extent," or "how often."

What is adverb


This word is an adjective that describes the quality of introducing or using new ideas, methods, or technologies.

What is innovative. 


This sentence is either positive or negative, what makes this sentence positive or negative. "I can't play the piano".

What is I can't