Where did Hazrat Nuh live?
In southern Iraq, in a valley surrounded by mountains
What did Hazrat Nuh want people to stop doing?
Worshipping idols
What did Hazrat Nuh build to survive the flood?
An ark (big boat)
What happened to Hazrat Nuh’s son and wife?
They did not believe in Hazrat Nuh’s message, so they were swept away in the flood
Did Hazrat Nuh come before or after Hazrat Adam?
Many centuries after
What did Hazrat Nuh tell the people would happen if they didn’t believe in one God?
A big flood would come
How did Hazrat Nuh know that the flood was coming?
Allah told him to prepare for it
What bird did Hazrat Nuh send out to look for dry land?
A dove
What kind of prophet was Hazrat Nuh?
What did Hazrat Nuh’s people think about him when he warned them?
They made fun of him and didn’t believe him
What did Hazrat Nuh bring onto the ark?
His followers and animals
What did the dove bring back to show that there was dry land?
An olive branch
Who were the first people to believe in Hazrat Nuh’s message?
The poor and weak people in his community.
How did Hazrat Nuh try to convince people to worship Allah?
He spoke to them with love, wisdom, and kindness
Why did the people laugh at Hazrat Nuh when he built the ark?
Because there was no rain, and they didn’t believe him
How long did Hazrat Nuh’s message last among the people?
950 years
What was Hazrat Nuh’s biggest challenge as a prophet?
The people did not listen to him and mocked his message
What happened when the rain started?
The rivers flooded and caused destruction for those on land
What did the flood teach the people?
The importance of obeying Allah and following the true path