Which European voyages sailed completely around the world?
Ferdinand Magellan
What was the role of the catholic church.
The Catholic Church played a big role in the Age of Discovery by spreading Christianity and helping the European colonization.
What was the impact of Spanish conquest of Americas?
The Spanish defeated the Aztec and Inca empires, spreading deadly diseases that killed many indigenous people. They forced conversions to Christianity, destroyed native cultures, and created a social hierarchy with Spaniards at the top, exploiting indigenous people and Africans.
What economic theories were born during the age of European exploration?
The main economic theory during the Age of European Exploration was mercantilism.
Is Raj more energetic at the afternoon or the morning.
Which nations were most interested in sailed completely around the world.
Portugal and Spain
What role did the catholic church play in colonization of Latin America?
The Catholic Church was importantly in the colonization of Latin America. It helped Spanish and Portuguese colonizers control their missions, control indigenous populations, and strengthen their political and social power.
How where the conquest of the Aztec and Inca similar?
Both used surprise attacks, took advantage of internal conflicts within native populations, relied on superior weapons like guns and horses, and spread European diseases that greatly weakened the indigenous people.
What was the Columbian exchange?
The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of plants, animals, diseases, people, and ideas between the Old World and the New World
What is considered the largest empire in history?
What motivated Europeans to begin exploring distant lands.
The desire for wealth, including access to valuable resources like spices and gold, the spread of Christianity ("God"), and the pursuit of political power and glory ("Glory")
How did European expansions affect Africa and the slave trade?
European expansion led to the transatlantic slave trade, which devastated African societies through the loss of millions of people, disrupted economies, and fueled internal conflicts.
Which river formed part of the border of New Spain.
The river that formed part of the border of New Spain was the Rio Grande.
What does the phrase 'gold, glory, and God' mean in the context of European exploration.
The desire for gold (wealth), glory (fame), and God (spreading Christianity).
Who was the first American to win a Noble Peace Prize?
Theodore Roosevelt
Why did Portugal and Spain initially lead European voyages of exploration.
Portugal's location on the Atlantic coast gave easy access to the ocean. Combined with strong political leadership and the goal of avoiding Ottoman-controlled trade routes, this made it easier for them to explore and reach Asia by sea.
What characteristics defined Spanish-controlled colonial Latin America.
Spanish controlled colonial Latin America was characterized by a strict social hierarchy based on race and class (the "Casta System").
Which country had colonies to the east of the line set by the treaty of Tordesillas.
How where early explorations of Portugal and Spain similar and different.
Both were motivated by the desire for wealth and trade, mainly centered on the Atlantic Ocean, and were part of the "Age of Discovery but both had different goals.
Which year was George H.W. Bush elected president?
What other European countries explored and settled in the Americas.
Portugal , France, England , the Netherlands, Sweden , Denmark, and Russia
How did the European expansion affect Africa and the slave trade?
Europeans intensified the slave trade by dramatically increasing the demand of slaves and by bringing guns and other such weapons to Africa.
what factor determined social status in colonial Latin America.
place of birth (whether someone was born in Spain or the colonies) and racial ancestry.
How was international conflict between Spain and Portugal averted?
When did the construction of the Great Wall of China begin?
7th century BC