
What do you think are the factors that contribute to someone's hair type?

1) texture

2) density

3) porosity

4) scalp moisture


What products would you recommend to someone with low porosity hair?

Products with moisture!

EX; Glory, Power, Fairly Traded Honey, Super Milk, Renee's Shea Souffle, ETC.


"I heard about Super Milk on tiktok and I love how it smells"

Show them Avocado Co-Wash or the other products in the LOC regimen!

The 3 products in the LOC regimen all combine to make the smell of Avocado Co-wash!


What are the four curl patterns?

1 is straight 

2 is wavy

3 is curly 

4 is coily


What products would you recommend to someone with type 1 hair?

Products that add volume, absorb excess oil.

EX; Big, Sea Spray, Swell, Seanik


"I bleached my hair last night and it looks super yellow, what should I do?"

Recommend Daddy-O or Violet cream- the purple tones yellows out of the hair to create a whiter blonde, recommend Marylin to brighten the blonde.


What is porosity?

Porosity is how well hair absorbs and holds moisture


What products would you recommend to someone with product buildup on their scalp or looking for hair growth?

Products that balance, stimulate, and deep clean

EX; Wasabi Shan Kui, Rehab, Babylon

"I have really thin hair and every product I've tried has weighed my hair down and felt super heavy"

Recommend light products like veganese, super milk, wasabi shan kui, montalbano


What does high porosity hair need vs low porosity?

High: protein to help repair damaged hair

Low: Moisture to soften and maintain healthy hair


What products would you recommend to someone with psoriasis and itchy scalp?

Products that are soothing, moisturizing, and calming 

EX; Superbalm, Angel Hair, Calm Down


"I want to start using less plastic to be more environmentally friendly"

Ask them questions about their hair and then show them our naked haircare products- shampoo bars, co-wash, pressed conditioners that would be best for them


What products would you recommend to someone looking to start embracing their curls?

The LOC method- liquid (super milk), oil (renee's she souffle), cream (curl power)

OR products with moisture and hold

EX; Infra wig, Glory, H'suan wen hua


"My husband wants a product that he can use to style his hair, the one he's using now doesn't hold strong enough"

Show them our styling products that have the strongest holds

EX; punkawalop