natural color of hair
what is hair color ?
pure or fundamental colors that cant be created by mixing other colors
What are primary colors ?
determines how hair will react to a formula
What is strand test?
process that lightens or deposits color in hair in a single application
What is single-process haircoloring?
strong and fast acting lighteners that cannot be used on the scalp
What are off-scalp lighteners?
also called bleach or decolorizer
What is lightener ?
color obtained by mixing equal parts of two primary colors
What are secondary colors ?
nonoxidative haircolor that makes only physical change
What is temporary haircolor ?
lighteners that can be used directly on the scalp by mixing it with activators
What is on-scalp lighteners ?
also known as undertone; varying degrees of warmth exposed during coloring process
What is contributing pigment ?
measurement system colorists use to determine light or darkness of hair
What is level system ?
the strength of color
What is intensity ?
lighten & deposit color at the same time
What is permanent haircolor?
also knows as oxidizing agents or catalysts
What are developers?
coloring strands of hair darker than the natural color
What is lowlighting ?
system for understanding color relationships
What is law of color ?
a usually circle chart that visually represents relationships between colors
What is color wheel ?
first step of double processing haircoloring
What is pre-lightening ?
also knows as boosters protinators or accelerators
What are activators ?
formulated to deposit but not lift natural hair color
What is demi permanent haircolor?
visible line separating colored hair from new growth
What is line of demarcation ?
intermediate color made by mixing a secondary color with is neighbor primary color
What is tertiary color ?
also known as progressive haircolor contains metal salts that change hair color gradually
What is metallic haircolor?
coloring technique that involves taking narrow sections by making a straight part at the scalp
What is slicing ?
equalize porosity and deposit color in one application to provide uniform contributing pigment
What are color fillers ?