Haitian Revolution
Causes French Revolution
Events French Revolution
People French Revolution
Haitian Revolution Continued

What is the country that controlled modern day Haiti during the 1790's?  They had a colony there that was named St. Domingue



Bad weather and a crop shortage led to this food staple being priced very high. 



During a meeting of the Estates General, the third estate went to the Tennis Courts and formed this political body which they claimed to be the true government of Franc. 

The National Assembly 


The King of France at the time of the French Revolution. He was inept and not a good leader. 



True or False- The Haitian Revolution was actually somewhat peaceful. There was some fighting, but the French left the island after a few casualties. 

False- The Haitian Revolution was very violent with many deaths on both sides. 


What crop provided riches for the French that they harvested from St. Domingue?



Englightenment philosophers and thinkers questioned whether the power in a government should belong to 1 person known as a ____________



Once the national Assembly formed, the Revolution started to turn violent. The third estate tore down this symbol of the kings power in anger. 

The Bastille 


The queen of France at the time of the French Revolution who spent money extravagantly. The average French person hated her because of this. 

Marie Antoinette 

The main leader of the Haitian Revolution who was a former slave who had earned his freedom.  

Toussaint L Overture


What was the labor system like on St. Domingue? Who worked on the sugar plantations? 

African Slaves


In the estates system this group of people was at the top and could ask people for money for the church. 



Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette knew their lives were in danger, so what did they end up doing?

They tried to escape to Austria and gather up an army. 

A lawyer and one of the main leaders of the French Revolution who kept control of the country by instituting the Reign of Terror. 

Maximillien Robespierre


Why is the Haitian Revolution significant historically? 

It was one of the only times slaves fought back and won against their oppressors to create their own nation. 

This group of people controlled all the land and the plantations on St. Domingue. They treated the slaves brutally. 

Grand Blancs 


This group of people in the French estates System controlled all the land and held government positions. 

The Nobility


What eventually happened to King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette? This symbolized the end to the Monarchy. 

They were beheaded by the guillotine. 


The general who eventually took over France after the Revolution.  

Napoleon Bonaparte


This group of the white average French people on the colony of St. Domingue often resented the Gens De Couleur because of their privileges. 

Petit Blancs 


This group of people were children of the Grand Blancs. They were mixed race and had their freedom, but not as many privileges as the white french men

Gens De Couleur


This group of people in the French Revolution were 98% of the population and they had to pay all the taxes for the country even though they barely had any of the wealth. 

3rd Estate- Peasants 


This was  a period during the French Revolution in which anyone suspected of being against the Revolution was put to death without a trial by the Guillotine. 

The Reign of Terror 


As one of the leaders of the French Revolution, Maximillien Robespierre was very powerful. What eventually happened to him? 

He was put to death by the guilllotine. 


What was the ultimate outcome of the Haitian Revolution?

The slaves overcame their French oppressors and created an independent nation which we call Haiti today.