The classification of most people living on the island of St. Domingue (Haiti).
What are slaves
This nation opposed the Revolution because they did not want to lose their colony.
What is France
These three word from the French Revolution served as the theme that inspired the slaves of St.Domingue.
What is Liberty, Fraternity, Equality
This disease killed off many Europeans and helped the slaves to win the revolution.
What is Yellow Fever (or smallpox)
These sets of lands were burnt down during the Revolution which caused Haiti to lose a lot of money (name 2)
What are sugar and coffee plantations
This leader of the revolution wrote the island's first constitution.
Who is Toussaint L’Ouverture
These two upper social groups in St.Domingue disagreed with each other about equal rights for all free peoples.
Who are the Whites and the Mulattoes (mixed race)
This empire initially helped the rebels by supplying weapons and ammunition.
What is Spain
The ratio of whites to blacks in St.Domingue at the time of the Revolution was
What is 1:10 (or 1:12)
What was pay a debt.
Leader of France during most of the Haitian revolution.
Who was Napoleon
This punishment was sometimes administered to enslaved people who attempted to run away from their plantation.
What was amputations (or death)
This nation wanted an opportunity to grab St.Domingue for themselves.
What is Britain or Spain
Toussaint was captured and sent to jail in this country
What is France
President of the United States who refused to recognize the independence of Haiti after the revolution.
Who was Thomas Jefferson
The average life expectancy of an enslaved person working on the sugar plantations of St. Domingue was this many years
What is three
This nation refused to recognize the independence of Haiti for 60+ years after the revolution.
What is The United States of America
The Haitian revolution is the only successful example of this in modern history.
What is a slave revolt