What are the three levels of the deen?
Islam~ Muslim, eeman ~ mumin, Ihsan- muhsin
Which Surah did we use to break down the attributes of the believer?
What is the parable of backbiting?
easting flesh of ones brother
What are the five you should take care of before your 5?
Youth before old age
Health before sickness
Richness before poverty
Life before death
Free time before you busy
In surah baqarah, what does Allah refer to the quran as?
This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah."
What do we learn about what makes up emaan from Hadith of jibrel?
6 Pilars of emaan
Name all of the Seven Shaded on the day of Judgement from the Hadith we mentioned.
The youth who grows up worship Allah
The one who deny temptation from the opposite gender
A just ruler
Two people who love each for the sake of Allah
The one who cry out of fear of Allah
The one who gives Sadaqah to the point his left hand doesn’t know who his right hand gave
The one whose heart is attached to the masjid
What is the third holiest site in islam
In which surah and what ayahs did we mention that explains the benefits of istigfaar
nuh 10-12
the prophet saw said
Hadith “ I have left you with two things, if you hold on to them; you will never be astray
Hadith “ I have left you with two things, if you hold on to them; you will never be astray ( Quran and the Sunnah)
What are four ways that was mentioned to boost your emaan at the halaqa
Quran , remembrance of Allah, biography of the prophets, seeking knowledge, salah
Who are the khaashiooon (in their salah/mentioned in this surah)?
those with fear and tranquility and here it is in their salah, with khushooo, the one who has emptied his heart totally, who does not pay attention to anything else besides their salah, what they are saying in their salah, who they are standing in front of, and who prefers it above all else. At that point it becomes a delight and a joy for eyes
Who is the narrated the most Hadith s
Abu hurayah
Scholars have said "So the angrier Allah gets with the woman, the more she undresses; whereas, the more pleased Allah is with the woman, the more she covers (out of modesty" why do they say this? what is the daleel we mentioned?
Stripping them of their raiment) 7:27 Wahb bin Munabbih said, "The private parts of Adam and Hawwa' had a light covering them which prevented them from seeing the private parts of each other. When they ate from the tree, their private parts appeared to them."
People of the quran will be told to recite of the DOJ and where they stop will be?
their rank/level in jannah
Who is a Mukallaf?
What does Al-Lagwi mean/refer to?
Al Laghwi, which refers to speech and actions which bring no benefit, falsehood in speech, evil speech and all things negative, including shirk and sin.
Name two Prophets who had disbelieving wives and then one believing wife to a dislberivling man.
Nuh, lut, and firawn
What are the conditions of tawbah (leaving diobedience of Allah t obience?
regeret, intention to nt go back to sin, not to delay, sincerity, if it involves someone else's haqq gotta give it back
Anas ibn Malik reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Verily, Allah has His own people among humanity."
The companions asked, “Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied:
They are the people of the Quran, the people of Allah and His chosen ones."
What is the full linguistic definition of emaan that we mentioned here at the halaqa?
The belief of the heart, actions of the limbs and saying it with your tongue Eeman increase due to obedience and decreases due to disobedience ( sins)
What are the two meanings we went over for Zakah of the believer?
both meanings are intended, purification of the soul and of one's wealth through zakat, and also part of having emaan is to the purification of the soul
“a purification of the soul from Shirk and filth”,
Explain the story of the She-Camel, which prophet, what happened, and what did the prophet say about passing their town.
It is narrated from Abdullah bin Umar that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companions were once passing by the place of the Thamud people. He (peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘Do not enter upon these people who are being punished, unless you are weeping. If you are not weeping then do not enter upon them, lest there befall you the like of what befell them. [al Bukhari, Muslim].
What is the duaa that Adam made when he and Hawa had sinned?
قَالَا رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَآ أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ ٱلْخَـٰسِرِينَ
They replied, “Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will certainly be losers.”
which two surah will come as as two clouds, or two shades, or two flocks of birds pleading for their companions.
Recite the two brightly illuminated chapters, Surah Al-Baqarah and Surah Ali ‘Imran, for on the Day of Resurrection, they will come as two clouds, or two shades, or two flocks of birds pleading for their companions." (Sahih Muslim)