What type of figurative language is in this sentence: She was as smart as a computer
True or False: You should capitalize the title of a store?
This vegetable is often referred to as "maize"
What country does this flag belong to?
This is the number of states in the US
What is 50
Where should the comma be in this sentence: I want to eat those Takis but my stomach hurts.
Between Takis and but
What does the word antonym mean?
A word with the opposite meaning
Certain Aztec warriors were dressed based on this animal
This is the continent Spain is a part of
What is Europe
Who is George Washington
Which works best in this sentence to/too/two:
My dog is ____ scared to go to the vet.
This is the word for the feeling an author tries to create in their story
What is mood
This animal was very useful for Incas who were transporting goods through the Andes Mountains
What are llamas
This is the capital of the United States
What is Washington DC
This is the name of Princess Jasmine's tiger
Who is Raja?
What perspective is the following sentence in?
Tyler was nervous about dropping into the half-pipe, since it was only his third time skateboarding. Cartier watched Tyler stare down and shake; he expected to see Tyler climb back down any second
Third-person Omniscient
This is the meaning of the prefix -ology
The study of something or learning about something ex. Biology or Psychology
This was the Spanish name for the mythical city of gold
This is the continent Central America is part of
North America
This is the largest planet in the solar system
What is Jupiter?
What type of figurative language is shown below:
The scary skeleton scraped his skull against the screen.
What is the meaning of the world peninsula
A piece of land surrounded almost entirely by water
This civilization had their capital city in the middle of Lake Texcoco
Who are the Aztecs
The lowest point on Earth
Mariana Trench (around 7 miles below sea level)
This was the name of the first dog in space
Who is Laika