Homecoming court
Order of events

Who was announcing the homecoming court during halftime?

Caroline and Ashlyn 


What was the juniors walkout song?

“Life is a highway”


Did we generate any income



How many coaches and directors did we have to communicate with?

Coach Danielle - Cheer

Coach Devyn - Pom

Mr. Bukett - Band director

3 people!


what should our goal be centered upon?

The homecoming halftime show


How did we do with our goal?

We exceeded our goal tremendously by having each grade have more than 50 nominations each. Our highest number of nominations was from the freshmen with 137 responses. We also reached our goal of keeping the halftime show under 20 minutes. Our show ended with 1:30 left on the clock. This was more than enough time for our participants to get off the field, and for the football team to re-enter the field. 


what hour was the rehearsal?

during advisory


How much was the money request for?



What media did we uses for publicity

Instagram flyer, TikTok, and emails to the student body.


how is our goal measurable

 Our goal is measurable because we can track how many responses we get from each grade through the Google form. Our timing goal is measurable because we will be able to record how long each event takes. Also, we can read through the responses to see if people focused on character based off of their responses.


How many people voted for the senior class?

136 responses


When was our organizational meeting?

One day before the event on 9/26/24


How many sashes did we order?



What worked well for this activity?  What is definitely worth doing again?

We had a lot of things that worked very well in this event. The first was ironing the sashes because they came in these bags that gave them a very wrinkled texture. We also got cheaper and more gender-neutral crowns that looked better on everyone. Also, having the class presidents rehearse with the banners while they’re walking helped immensely for the actual show. Lastly we had a lot of success delegating the jobs, everyone did really well with the job they were given. 


how is our goal attenable

Our goal is achievable because this same committee last year was able to keep their performance under 20 minutes with great planning which we have. Also, in terms of the 50 nominations goal, this is achievable considering the large number of people in each grade…Our goal about character is achievable because just asking the simple question: “how does your nominee reflect the GROVES WAY?” allows people to focus on character very easily.


What seniors won?

Ava Loiselle and Lamont Burgress II 


How much time did each event get to preform?

pom + cheer 3 minuntes each

band 4 minutes

10 minutes to homecoming court and banners


True or False did we spend all the money we asked for?



Identify any unexpected problems that you faced?  How did you deal with them?

How might you improve this activity?

One unexpected problem that we had was the music cutting out when the freshman banner was getting walked out. We dealt with it by just keeping going and didn’t stop after a small inconvenience. Another thing we had happened was one of the dots going missing, it kinda threw us off with the spacing when we were trying to put the seniors on their spots. A way we fixed this was just telling the seniors where to go before they walked up to the front. Lastly when Caroline and Ashlyn were in the box there was an echo, now no one on the field could hear it, but it did throw the people up there a little off. A way we fixed this was by reading slowly and taking their time to make sure the words came out nice and clear. 

We could improve this activity by giving more time to work with the announcer and to have more than one rehearsal before the Homecoming game. This would’ve helped with the Homecoming court having a stronger idea of how the halftime show would work and the announcer would have more experience with the script.


How is it time bound and relevant?


Our goal is timely because we have specific dates for when we will release the voting forms, and also a specific timeline for when each voting form closes. We also have dates for announcing voting, releasing a TikTok, and rehearsals for the homecoming court halftime show, and we have enough time to sort through voting to be able to have a finalized court.

Our goal is relevant because our event wraps up the fun Homecoming week with the homecoming courts for the next day and the grand totals for the week's total.  


What type and color were the flowers we gave the homcoming chort

Red roses


What date did we make announcements over the schools PA




Where did we buy the flowers from?

Trader Joes


What did not work well?  Why do you think it did not work?

A couple things that didn’t work well was not enough rehearsal time, as a committee we wished to have more time practicing on the field. We also wished we put in our amazon orders earlier due to some miscommunication with Ms. Berger and sashes not being here when we wanted them to be. Lastly, double checking that the sound system was working properly so the sound was nice and clear. 


What is the goal statement? 

Specific goal statement: Our goal for the Homecoming Court Halftime show is to have at least 50 nominations from each grade, have the voters focus more on character rather than popularity, and keep the show under 20 minutes.