A patient in severe respiratory distress with symptoms of productive cough, wheezing, speaking in one-to-two word sentences, likely has what trend for baseline vitals? BP, pulse, respiratory rate? Are they high or low?
High. Patient will be tachy, with elevated BP, pulse and their respiratory rate.
What does CVA stand for?
Cerebral Vascular Accident.
Does an altered patient with inappropriate speech and actions have the right to refuse care and transport to the hospital?
They do not. Keep them calm and work with PD to safely get them to the stretcher and ambulance.
Is there any medication an EMR, EMT or Paramedic carries in the field to treat High Blood Sugar?
Some Medical Control, EMS systems or providers carry a specific type of medication that is used for poison ingestion. It can only be used as directed by medical or poison control. What is the medication?
Activated Charcoal. Have a barf bag ready and control the airway when the show begins after administration.
You are on an emergency scene, the patient tells you he has an inhaler and he wants to use it. What should you verify/consider before providing assistance?
Is it prescribed to him? Is it expired? Do your local protocols/standing order permit you to do so? Contact med control if you are unsure.
What does OPQRST stand for?
Onset, Provocation, Quality, Radiation, Severity and Time.
What is the most important rule to remember when treating a patient during a behavioral health emergency?
Leave yourself a way out with a clear path to the exit.
Can any EMS provider administer Oral Glucose to an unconscious patient?
No. Hell no. They could choke and they cannot control their airway and/or esophageal reflexes. You can make them way worser...
You are at a party and some people are making bad decisions. Suddenly, someone screams "oh no, somebody help!" After clearing a path like Moses and declaring "I got this," you locate the unconscious patient on the floor. You suspect an overdose. After directing someone to call 911 and checking your ABCS, you check their pupils and they are pinpoint and unreactive to light. What type of overdose should you immediately suspect?
Opioid. It's almost always opioids. Don't be afraid to start asking party goers if anyone has Narcan. Chronic abusers and their social group often have it available.
What might we see in the mucosa of a patient with COPD or suspected respiratory compromise?
Greenish tint, yellowish tint, blood, can also be clear with significant volume.
What does AMS stand for?
Altered Mental Status
Who is responsible for any discarded weapons on an emergency scene?
The police department. Don't touch, poke, pick up or cover them. Notify PD immediately. It happens...
What are some signs and symptoms of a Hyperglycemic emergency?
Extreme thirst, abdominal pain, Dry--warm skin rapid or weak pulse.
You are on the scene of a suspected poisoning. Your partner is killing it with their patient assessment. Some cleaning products are in the room and the patient has no clue why she suddenly feels terrible. Who can you contact for guidance? And what information will you need once you make contact?
How long do we suction an occluded airway for adults, and how long for children?
15 seconds or less for Adults. 10 seconds or less for children.
What part of the lungs are infected when a patient suffers from Bronchitis?
Inflamed lining of the Bronchial Tube or Tubes.
What is one clarifying question to ask a behavioral health patient?
Any drugs or alcohol today?
Are you taking your medications as prescribed?
Are you out of your medications?
Have you ever felt this way before?
Do you want to hurt yourself or anyone you care about?
Do you see a doctor regularly?
What is the name of the hormone released by the Pancreas that allows Glucose to enter the cells so that it can be used as energy?
What are some clues/evidence that you may find on a scene of a suspected overdose or poisoning?
Needles, pills, pill bottles, cleaning products nearby, powdery substances, vomit, running vehicles, exhaust odors, unknown chemical smells, etc.
On 12/19, I was diagnosed with a respiratory infection. The PA told me the infection was likely in my Alveoli. Do I have Bronchitus or Pneumonia? Is the treatment the same?
Pneumonia. So gross...so, so gross. Treatment is almost identical. Yes.
Glasgow Coma Scale
Should we always assume a behavioral health patient is trustworthy? What is one thing you can do during patient loading to further enhance the safety level of EMS personnel?
Never. Check pockets or anywhere items can be hidden on their person. Check any bags or belongings for weapons, or anything that could harm you. Coordinate this with PD. Ask the patient first before you do so. They are often agreeable, but if they are not, suspect they are carrying something dangerous or illegal.
What are some clarifying questions to ask during a diabetic emergency?
Have you checked your sugar today?
Do you normally run high or low?
Do you have diabetes?
Do you usually take insulin, medication or both?
When did you eat last?
Have you taken your insulin today?
What are the routes of entry for a suspected Poisioning?
Ingestion, Inhalation, Absorption, Injection