Gavin's first football number
What is 90?
Gavins Highest earned GPA
What is 4.0?
The name of gavin's favorite dog from Izzy's litter
Who is Milo?
The first full series Halle and Gavin watched together
What is "Jane the Virgin"?
Carson's favorite sport
Gavin's Furthest recorded discus mark
What is 137'8"?
The teacher who hit on Gavin, often.
Mrs. Grinder
The dog breed Gavin wants when Halle and he get married
What is a pit bull?
This is Gavin's least favorite character from "Friends"
Who is Marcel?
The name of Gavins favorite hot sauce
What is Franks Red Hot
The teal and grey cord Gavin wore on graduation symbolized...
Finn's birthday
When is October 31st
What is "How to Train Your Dragon"?
Cameron's record playing for corner canyon high school
What is he never lost, 28-0
The names of Gavin's Squishmallows
Who are Hal, Alex and Francine (all must be listed to be considered correct)
When was May 25 2023?
The reasoning behind Harley's nickname "Moped"
The character on "Friends" Cameron was nearly named after
Who is Chandler
One of Madi's favorite pass times
What is posting 100 tik Tok videos?
Gavin's Instagram @
what is @gavin_styer?
Solve this equation in 1 minute
The name of Gavin's first dog
Who is "Izzy"
I'm not joking
Finish this quote "When you're a kid, you assume your parents____________. My kids are going to be right about that." -Pam
What is are soulmates
The max number of football games Owen won in a row in little league
What is 36?